
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

05-27-2018 A MBA Student's analysis of what the Radio Program is trying to demonstrate (I) - Decision Power

05-27-2018 A MBA Student's analysis of what the Radio Program is trying to demonstrate (I) - Decision Power

The PPC curve is related to the market model of demand and supply, and the most important is how the curve is shifted as a whole versus the output combination shifted individually.

The demand and supply curve in any industry including special industry is by the local LAWS of demand and supply.

I will use the human nature of mating desire to illustrate the demand and supply even though that sounds like a demonstration of the special industry of prostitutes, but it is the demand purely from human sexual desire without any further consideration of possible restriction if matrimony is not in consideration.

I have been a "loner" resident of Boston, Massachusetts since mid of 2004, I had heard a lot of rumors related to this morning's broadcasting that I think the demonstrated effort pf this broadcasting is to "efficiently push the current output combination out of the wealth of the PPC Curve". So, I analyze it as the following:

What would move the PPC curve, versus what would move the current output combination
Satisfying a requested-demand is restricted by the supply of the resources in quality as well as in quantity in a market economy but by the wish, ill or decent, of the chief provider who has the decision power of what demand to satisfy in a pure command economy. The demanding law from the desire to own good quality resources as cheap as possible also determines the prices of the resources or the strength of the decision power of the chief provider. 

Well, the realistic "rumor demonstration" is: To highlight a private economy's (obviously a pure command economy) chief provider's decision power of refusal that is based on its own self-illusional demands which have never actually been requested from the owner of another completely independent and completely not-related market economy (obviously I am a market economy on this matter). Even though his is totally against local harassment LAWS, this is the Blackmail Strategy called "Prevention Purpose" from the Economy in Transition (the People's Republic of China) without any LAWS nor the knowledge of what is its economy's possible boundary, nor the appropriate training education to prevent its government's representatives to worry if the Chinese economy of a government’s Central Reserve is eligible to supply a U.S. citizen's living expenses on the U.S. soil.

In this demonstration, I am the illustration of "the loud refusal to pay for the past sexual activities have been loudly broadcasted without any such demand ever has been requested by me at all". and I am the person actually have concerned "if rumored transacted-already $5000 is paid from my account that is totally another independent economy which I am the self-provider in charge", and it did arouse the question if I have to seek local laws help to find out who actually paid that $5000? It is great to hear that it is announced this morning it should not be my concern at all in a lawful country. Thus, this "rumor demonstration" is obviously a good example of different decision powers from a pure command economy, a market economy and an in-transition economy which makes the PPC curves of each economy so confusing in this inter-economy world, and how the PPC curve of a market economy can be impacted or moved by the decision power of another economy's concern of whether to satisfy a demand, which demonstrated as move inwardly by never-made-demand or move outwardly by the concern of whose money paid that $5000, in this mixed world together with the pure command economy and the in-transition economy.

The demanding law which decides the price of the supplied resource is from the desire to own, and if the supply can satisfy the demand is related to the price but based on quality and quantities of the resources supplied.

In prostituting industry, the quality is the female's sexual attraction and the quantity would be how many sexually attractive females in the supplying chain. The aged female body certainly would reduce the quality of sexual attraction to the reality of "should lower the asking price" and the refusal of the acceptance of this reality would certainly reduce the demand that may have mixed sexual attraction expectation with "some affection". A pure command economy can be the example of purely wish based economy that the chief provider's decision power can change a locally famous unwanted story* to be a world-wide announced wanted story just several years later without any rumored connection in between, or to showcase an unattractive aged can never change to be attractive no matter how hard the female insists on to demand the "price expected should be the original asking price". Well, this characteristic prostituting industry's supply-demand market model would be a true statement to any independent economy including the People's Republic China which impressively has a state-supported prostituting industry to facilitate this demonstration of this decision power this professionally with the proud as a government.

*Actually, I heard new rumor is that money-paying has been since the Boston Cafeteria month, on the same day it was announced on the radio program which was merely a couple of day's late than the Boston Cafeteria's day.

----May 27th, 2018