
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, May 21, 2018

05-21-2018 I would listen to what my father says and On different proud in a team of a successfully implemented project(我会听我父亲方文海怎么说)

05-21-2018 I would listen to what my father says and On different proud in a team of a successfully implemented project (我会听我父亲方文海怎么说)

Heard this morning's talk about my father (中文附后).
My response: My father was pushed out of a moving vehicle after he was invited into the chauffeured Chinese Premier Li's office's equipped-car was a complaint I filed to the People's Republic of China's Government via an email to Chinese Consulate New York.

What I heard was my father was invited to share a ride in Nanjing City by the Chinese Premier Li. There was a female on the other side of the Chinese Premier Li who was very agitated and initiated push. I heard her agitation was because of my inheriting, her maiden name is my same last name and from same hometown origin of Nibo City , but I am not certain if she has any blood association with me or she is the same branch of the " the real Zu's family heir" who has the Fang last name who has no blood association with me at all (only 79% similarity from DNA test).

I heard it was a hard fall that my father couldn't get up immediately but he did not say anything either.  I would definitely ask and would listen to what my father says about what happened and what else.

Attached at the end of this blog is the letter I sent to Chinese Consulate New York.

----May 21st, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about being a creative person.
My response: In a movie-making project, a creator is different with script-writer, producer or director, not to mention the movie-making crew.

In a technology related project, other than each project's team member definitely has a different assignment on own specialty that the successful implementation of the project would bring out a totally different proud from another team member which obviously not on each other's toes, the proud of making a successful project is also different among the project's leaders.

A project initiator who normally is a business person.
A project leader who has to be a technology background and technological enough.
A project coordinator who may be a technology person, or a business person, or an administrative person.

Obviously, the proud of implementing a successful project is not going to be on each other's toes for the entire technology project personnel.

For a business related or a social related project, a local community project or statewide project, from the human resource perspective, a firm sized big is the same as a region sized big. All need some project members, as a group or as an individual, who has a different assignment but work together on a different aspect of the same project. These team members as the group or an individual who got different assignments, certainly don't step on each other's toes on their contribution to the success of the project, some fights may exist in the same group who has the same assignment.

Example for this would be me and the Viagra(blue) research team on our contribution to it. Nobody needs to argue what I contributed which was how much research time plus research money I contributed to saving, but there may be tons of arguments on who contributed more to research academically among its research team members.

The project team leaders of a business project or a social project would be similar.

A project initiator who may be a representative of a community, a community leader or state leader, or a commoner who has a great idea that these leaders agreed.

A project leader, who has the professional knowledge of the business or the true understanding of what the community needs that can prioritize and organize the project resources, and also has the capabilities to manage the project team. This person may be a business leader, a community leader, or assigned by a business leader or a community leader.

A project coordinator, who most likely is a business leader, a community leader or even a state leader.

Well, obviously, the proud shared among these business project or social project leaders shouldn't be the same and shouldn't be on each other's toes.

----May 21st, 2018


我听说的是我的父亲在南京被中国的李克强总理邀请才上的李克强总理的小轿车。 在中国总理的另一边坐着一个女的,那女的情绪很激动,最早开始推推搡搡的就是那个女的。我听说那女的很情绪是因为我方敏继承财产的事,她娘家姓方也是宁波镇海人,但我不清楚她和我是否有血缘关系或者和那个姓方的“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”是同一支的。那个广播上播出的方姓“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”也是宁波镇海人,但和我是一点血缘关系都没有 (DNA鉴定结果只有70%左右的相似度)。





M F Tue, Jan 16, 2018, at 12:13 PM
To: 纽约中领管侨务



1: 我弟弟的婚姻注册妻子与中国总理李克强有性关系,据说是拉上窗帘但房门打开方式,就在女方的娘家居住地附近。

 2: 我父亲现在是失踪,而且我父亲是人所共知的没有发生任何财产继承的一个。我父亲所有的全部 就是他自己买的那一套房子以及他被从那房子里赶出去时没能带出来的全部积蓄。我父亲从被从自 己家里赶出来的那一天起,就是靠他那每个月发放的退休金生活着。

3:我听说的是:我父亲就是在南京的北京东路上,就是在大白天,就是在天文台宿舍大院的前面被 公然推出已经启动的汽车而当众摔倒在地的,就在我父亲好不容易从地上站起来回到家里的同一天 (或者第三天),就收到他儿子的老婆递上的装着我父亲身份证件的小塑料袋并被告知永远别回来 了。我2015年一月打电话回家时, 我被那女的告知的是我父亲已经走了。

4: 我的父亲是被人拖着上的小轿车,再被人从已启动的车里给推出去,那人是看见我父亲摔倒在地, 没等我父亲能够站起来,就轻轻松松扬长而去的。但我没听说是什么时间。

