
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

05-22-2018 I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality

05-22-2018 I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Vietnamese Anh's story again.
My response: This morning's broadcasting certainly is demonstrating if a decision is purely based on willingness, then this decision can be expected to be changed. 

The Vietnamese Anh's story is so unique and worthy to be featured is that this Vietnamese Anh is a College Cafeteria's famously unwanted story in Boston, MA just several years ago, and now she is the proud of a rich man's hard to get the wish-come-true story. This intended theme of this morning's featured story may be the reason for the confusion if that is the same rich man.

Well, it is the same or a different rich male is totally none of my business. My only concern is whose money actually is the paying account. I heard a male has announced his willingness to pay to let his family enjoy life as his family wish, but I already had some bad experiences that all these kind of announced spending's actual paying account is rumored from my $4.5Billion income as a major featured person.

I totally against this broadcasting theme to imply if giving me endlessly enough time and put me under the condition of no-chance-not-to-bent, my refusal to give out my money can be changed with the joint efforts. I accuse this kind of efforts is armed kidnapping.

I came from a long history polygamist family as a female heir with the expectation of a male's privilege in marriage if I have a polygamist's marriages,  and I have no moral issue with whoever's wish to live their romance life the way as announced this morning.

My only anxiety is if that is my cash again or why my money? It is purely because I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality, and it is also because I came from the culture that no tolerance on overlappings among polygamists' marriages.

Also, I came from China that I heard enough how an honorable-name can mean nothing if I just wait for the never-going-to-happen-paying-back of my own money. So, I did ask Law enforcement's help and expressed myself that I have no willingness to be abducted in Poverty nor wish to be washed-clean by rich names own malicious abusiveness towards their own names.

I have this doubt all this time that why the Chinese government's strong supporting voices are in this sort of the broadcasting theme of Mistress Proud To be Paid For Sex parade?

The People's Republic of China is known for how its ruling government determined to against Corruptions which includes corruption of taking its central reserve's money or corruptions of keeping a Mistress in a marriage ever since the 1949 establishment by the Chinese Communist Party.

Why this shouting to support this morning's efforts of making a Marriage with a Mistress a public known acknowledgment is actually from the current administration of the People's Republic of China that is still completely governed by the Chinese Communist Party? Is China really governed by the rumored "Brothel administration" currently?

05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?

----May 22nd, 2018