
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

01-30-2019 我的亲朋送礼计划 (15) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Modern Contemporary and Classic Tradition》

I was often doubted how I can claim I am a Chinese Emperors' heir without the People's Republic of China's acknowledgment? I say because the heirship is by the blood and family inheriting rule, not by the People.
----Jan. 30th, 2019

I was often confronted with as long as the Chinese government does not acknowledge, I say only because you are such a barbarian who doesn't know THE CLASS represents the culture with history, not just modern contemporary of round-shape impressionism or functional consciousness that you heard of.
----Jan. 30th, 2019

So I was asked, but how do I say I am truthful on the matter after my own family lost track of the family stories? I say by confronting matter and probing for an answer. Let's see how many doubts about the matter so far.

1: The paintings published on the internet in 2011 were all one-year-old copies,
I heard they were all from the digital version of the originals that each comes with a year certificate.

2: The year certificate has the year 1927, year 1970...on it.
I heard it represents the edition of the photo, the copied-from edition is a digital version.

3: How these paintings relate me to be the heir of the featured Emperors?
First of all, both my father and I resemble my Emperor-ancestors featured in these family portraits.
Second, my 2004's Trust-inheriting was a birthmark-inheriting(updated on Feb. 3rd, 2019)
Also, I own Emperor equivalent entitlements such as Ingonyama etc. originated by them, and I own these family portraits gifted by them since my lawfully valid willed Trust-Inheriting in 2004.

As so popular in a lot of Kingdom-novels, a King normally gift a person with an entitlement,  some valuables (gold, jewelry, etc.), and a beauty.

Well, I am the daughter gifted by my ancient birth Emperor-grandfathers, so I only received entitlements and valuables from my Trust-Inheriting, which means I need to find my handsome, with my ancestors' blessing but won't be an assigned.

----Jan. 30th, 2019

1: Ingonyama title is in the local language, but I came from China?
My response: There are two possibilities for how I got this entitlement officially on June 30th of 2004.
1) I received the original entitlement, given by my ancient Emperor grandfather in Chinese, together with my Trust-Inheriting, Ingonyama its translation in the local language, or
2) this is the entitlement of my ancient grandfather's that I inherited together with the my Trust-Inheriting as the direct-beneficiary-heir of the entitled ancient grandfather of mine.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019