
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, January 7, 2019

01-07-2019 Bridgeport University Graduated Chinese Mrs. Ford, whom? maiden name is Zhu Hongqing (真正的福特夫人其实是北京医学院药学系1990届的朱红箐?)

Big news: 

To all University of Bridgeport's insider-alumni: This is no big secret anymore!!!!

Heard it is clarified “the same person" in the rumor is never her husband, never her romantic partner, etc., No contact with her since 1999, know nothing about her romance. ----updated on Jan. 8th, 2019)

My 2004 Inheriting has no association with Ford wealth, nor Rockefeller wealth, nor Walton wealth.

My Trusts' announced investments in the U.S. have not changed any portion in its entire investing-company-chain for an accumulated over 600 years.

请告知所有知情的中华人民共和国中共中央政治局, 中国外交部,中共中央宣传部,中共中央军委,中国文化部这已经不再是天大的秘密了。




1: Heard a Chinese female from the same class in the same year that I graduated from University Bridgeport married "Charles Ford". The Chinese female is, rumored, a father-side fourth cousin to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and a father-side first cousin to the famous denounced descendent of Ming dynasty Emperor, a Mr. Zhu from Chinese Military.   (Never a typo but a rumor with a long-time joke who has the correct family name)

2: Heard this is the Chinese female who lived near 82nd street in Queens in 1997 who graduated in 1990 from the Beijing Medical University's School of Pharmacy, her maid named is Zhu, Hongqing.(据说是北京医学院(北京协和医学院?)药学系90届的朱红罄(?). I graduated from Shanghai Medical University's Pharmacy School in 1990.

3: Rumored there was a special open to the public wedding reception(?) in 2011 in Shanghai, China,  and it was rumored an open to public reception because both had no Shanghai local association at the time.

4: Rumored this "Charles Ford" is the person visited University Bridgeport's 2000 commencement and recognized by the same Chinese female at the moment.
  • I was the person never heard of such incident from the same commencement, from the fourth class nor from the fifth or sixth, until it was broadcasted is a true statement. 
  • I have no association with the entire 4th class of UB's Springfield campus weekend program since 1999 is a True statement. I registered my remaining courses with the 5th or 6th class from the same program.
  • The incidence I was blocked is a true report, and I was not with the graduating students during the entire commencement is a true statement. 
  • So, I know nothing about what happened during the UB's year 2000 commencement is a True statement.
5: Rumored this is the person who visited Jennifer's apartment at 140 E46 street in October of 1996 and the same person broadcasted on the radio.

6: Heard this "Charles Ford" is not biologically associated with any of my possible biological birth child(ren) from pregnancy mother(s)' help.

7: My 2004 Inheriting has no association with Ford wealth, nor Rockefeller wealth, nor Walton wealth.
My Trusts' announced investments in the U.S. have not changed any portion in its entire investing-company-chain for an accumulated over 600 years.

----January 7th, 2019






