
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, January 21, 2019

01-21-2019 与南京方面的矛盾(11) --- 广播剧制作和南师大附中85届2班(乙班)的刘凯 (A classmate from the high school )

听说刘凯前夫刘丹是否在和刘凯结婚之前已育有小孩,是造成刘凯婚姻困扰的原因,也是造成刘凯及很多南师大附中校友认为我1996年当时做法很离谱的原因。听说广播剧对此“是否有小孩”的报道是:英文用的是“Abortion”(流产,意即没有离开母体存活的小孩),中文用的是“引产”(可能有离开母体后存活的小孩) 。我本人是在1990年以后曾听刘凯说过刘丹很花心,但只在2015年以后才听说刘丹以前的恋爱故事花絮。

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.[note 1]  (from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion

I had never romantically associated or socially close to her ex-husband or his associated, in high school or after graduation.

I don't have a male's middle section, and I don't have Liu, Kai's female middle section, please don't ever consult any money matter associated with any male's middle section nor Liu, Kai's female middle section. I am not the person care about this article featured Liu, Kai in any way nor anyhow.

I don't have a male's middle section, and I don't have other female's middle section but my own, please don't ever consult any money matter associated with any male's middle section nor any female's middle section except my own. I am not the person care about any matter associated with any male's middle section nor any female's middle section except my own.
(----updated on Jan. 22nd, 2019)





Liu, Kai graduated from the same class of 1985's Nanjing Teacher's College Affiliated High School. I heard radio program had featured some stories of her family and her marriage. Before I left China in 1996, I was not happy with her attitude about how she insisted on to let the entire world know "the only person would truly interest in me" was a happily married, aged and dwarf man from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, I was not tough on expressing myself strong opposite opinion because of the situation that I was leaving China for good.

When I visited her in China in 2007, her attitude toward me had been "who the fxxx you think you are?" and challenging. I truly don't think I need nor obligated to be in touch with this person, and I never contacted her ever since. I will never get in touch with such a person.

I heard about in 2010 that my round-trip ticket to the U.S. that I bought from another same class graduated in 1996 was ¥4000-5000 higher than it should be. I heard it was per her request which was after she voluntarily lent me ¥3000 which I had paid back by the end of 1997 with the amount of ¥4500.

In 2009, I heard rumors that she had a car accident in Nanjing which was right after the featured broadcasting of her stories, but I did not hear any negative reactions from the Chinese community in Boston, so I thought the rumor was either untrue or she came out OK. I heard recently that she never had such a car accident and she has been living with her son in the U.S. for some years already. I heard she may have participated producing the radio program, which I assume has been the reason of such base theme in the radio program as "who the fxxx you think you are?", "I do the exact opposite of whatever you say", and "you will be so lucky if you can ever be wanted sexually."

I heard she remarried well, and tons of rumors about how well her marriage has been. I declare I have independent finance from any male's middle section, and I will never have any financial association with this Liu, Kai, her family associated, and her marriage associated.

Other clarifications that I need to make:
1: About her maiden family before 1996. She told me that her mother's husband, a retired veteran in 1996, had been very nice to her, and always willing to handsomely answer her financial demands including her wedding costs in 1992. Her mother's apartment was related to her mother's workplace and, possibly registered in her mother's name. This was pretty much I had spilled in that 1996 conversation in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control.

2: About her own marriage. She told me during my 2007 visit that she had a divorce after 2004, her ex-husband paid her son's support monthly from Canada.

----Jan. 21st, 2019









