
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

01-27-2019 How one's intellectual Income is evaluated? (智慧专利收入是如何评估的?)

I was asked often how I can earn intellectual income? I was so not a hard-working student when I was in school that no one from any school I graduated from could imagine I could possibly be a person who can have some intellectual income. I say this group of people also include those colleagues from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, but not from Janus Associates who watched me developed modules of Biogate, my first intellectual income. How I grew into a research type of person?

When I was assigned a job in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, I was a girly college newly graduated who fully welcomed leadership education from Health Department Inspectors I worked with. My work experiences there did not shape into a good lab research tester, but made me into a coercive leader-apprentice enjoyed the opportunities to say, "Do As I Said".

My second job was a computer programmer where I assigned to work on BioGate project, this work experience was when I learned "to form my own hypothesis independently, to discover dynamics in trending independently, and to relate complexities with theories independently. "(quoted from my personal statement of schooling)

Currently, I am in training to be a business leader which means I am in process of being less research geek style but become more humanly understandable, I can tell it is not an easy process so far because still too many people complaining "don't know what she is saying".

Ok, after I briefly explained why I do have some intellectual incomes, let me try to explain how my share of intellectual incomes is evaluated from the best of my knowledge.

Intellectual Incomes evaluation process:
Step 1: When a research project is successfully finished and ready for sale, the first step is to evaluate how much is the price this project can ask.

This project price evaluation would be conducted by a professional evaluation company, and evaluation is based on how much time and cost would be needed in average to conduct such research by an average peer in the industry.  This project evaluation would detail each module and each component of the entire project to have a price as the negotiation base for the research company to bargain with possible buyers.

Step 2: After a successful sale of the research project, the research company would decide the size of rewarding package for the entire group of all kinds of contributors to this research project. The rewarding company would also decide the share for each contributor group, such as research group, helping group, and etc in the company's level of the rewarding package.

Step 3: Once research group's rewarding package size is decided, the research department will evaluate rewarding shares for each component's research group, which is based on the project price evaluation report of each component as well as research participating years.

Step 4: Once each component's rewarding size is decided, each individual contributor's share to this same component can be evaluated based on each academic contribution.

How can my brief idea contribute to intellectually?
Let's see the example of my idea to have a hair growth product based on 章光101(?). My idea is a concept hypothesis and the academic direction of a research project. If I contributed, its market price should also be in the project evaluation report as a component, and I will be evaluated with the contributors to this same component.

How to tell the difference between public relation help with research contribution help?
From my own experience: When research got stuck, help can be from public relation if the research company does not have internal resources to help out. This internal helping resource is also the reason why researchers from a big research company have much less share in their company's rewarding packages. And IRS has the standard to different research contribution help with public relation help to ensure the correct income tax rate.

----Jan. 27th, 2019

How a company buys an intellectual property?
It is similar to buying a house property. Once the price of the intellectual property is decided, the payment size of downpayment and each installment can be calculated based on the valid patent's duration time which is averaged for about fifty years.
----March 31st's next day, 2019

很多人经常问我,我哪有可能会有智慧专利收入?读书时,我确实不是一个用功的学生,我所毕业的每一所学校,就没人相信我居然可以有智慧专利收入。我说这拨人还得加上我曾经工作过的南京市药品检验所,不过我的第二份工作,就是美国的电脑公司的同事就不会这么说了,因为他们都是亲眼看着我一天一点的做出了Bio Gate这个研究项目。那我究竟是如何成长为一个研究人员的?


我的第二份工作是电脑程序员,接到的项目就是Bio Gate。是这份工作的研究经历让我学会了自己"独立的决定研究方向,独立的发现变化中的动态界定因素,独立的将研究所经历的复杂性与相应的理论相联系。”(摘自我自己写的一份上学用的《自我介绍》)











