
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, January 4, 2019

01-04-2019 我的亲朋送礼计划 (14) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Commercial Registry & Ownership Confusion, Trust Registry& Sole Beneficiary》

I heard it is broadcasted "(The paid-out radio company's major featured person fee is) not your income" this morning, I heard it was not from the paying radio company but from a representative of a company that is set up by the person who deposited some portion of this money to own. I already asked laws help on why I have not received this paid-out-to-me money yet.
----Jan. 4th, 2019

I was asked what is the commercial registry, and what is the company(corporate) law?
My response:

An example: If you intend to open a coffee shop, the first permission you will seek is the commercial registry, and then the IRS' tax-id, and you need both commercial registration certificate and tax-id to apply for the health department's permission.

The commercial registration certificate is the government's record of this coffee shop's ownership, the commercial registry related laws are all about this coffee shop's ownership. The corporate (company) laws are about how to operate this coffee shop.

I think in the United States, because the land of North America was a colony to UK and France, etc. before its 1776's independence, so that commercial registries for all those companies operating on this North America soil before 1776 were in each of these countries' general consulate (convoy), but must have been re-registered in the United States commercial department(?) since 1776 when the U.S. established its own commercial registry laws. So, it is correct to say commercial registry laws has a history for over 400 years in North America.

I heard a lot of annoyances expressed against me keep saying I have inherited money, I don't consider speaking up my true inheriting experience inappropriate at all in the U.S., plus, with law enforcement's help, it can be verified if I am provided for by these paying companies even I haven't received anything yet,  and please correct me in an email if your verification proves that inaccuracy in my blog articles is beyond informational purpose.

So, I am asking if these annoyances are because of those American companies' ownership confusion?I am a beneficiary person of some Trusts that have been investing these American companies through its at least 6 countries away upstream investor, so please direct your ownership-confusion to your concerning company directly, and I think lawful ownership commercial registry record can be verified from government's record as well. Thanks.
----Jan. 4th, 2019

Heard annoying rumors of promises to don't ever let me have my money.
My response: What these rumored promises mean in the U.S? First of all, this is a crime of discrimination against me.

Promise never to let laws prevail? What kind of rumor is this? This promise means the promising person's police badge would be taken off (badge-off) immediately in the U.S. In the young United States time, a police badge means sincere sworn to protect and to enforce, that those police officers stories have been all over cowboy-movies to praise how bravely they were to face challenges of loaded guns. Don't ever consider this kind of promises a joke to a law enforcing personnel or any government employee in the U.S.
----Jan. 4th, 2019

What is Trust Registry and Sole Beneficiary Person? 什么是信托登记和信托的唯一收益人
My answer: Trust Registry is the record of a Trust which records who is the settler, who is(are) this Trust's settler's specified beneficiary person(s), who is(are) this Trust's entrusting attorney(s), and how much money has been entrusted by this Trust's settler, etc. 信托登记是一个信托的登记记录,记录内容包括信托的设立人,信托设立人所指定的受益人,信托的受委托律师,以及所信托的财产有多少,等等。

If this Trust's settler has only specified one person to receive all of the entrusted money of this Trust, this one person is the sole beneficiary person of this Trust. 如果一个信托的设立人只指定了一个人接受所信托的所有财产,这一个人就被称为唯一受益人。

Please consult the attorney of your own if you are concerned about being a co-beneficiary person of any Trust I inherited. I heard the most recent 5 generation's grandfathers' Trusts have registry record verified that I am the sole beneficiary person of all five. And, I don't think anyone can be a beneficiary person specified in the same Trust with me when birthmark is how I was specified.如果你对你自己是否有可能也是我所继承的信托的受益人,请咨询你自己的律师。我听说最近代的五代爷爷给我的信托等级都已经核实过了,我确实是这五代爷爷所设立信托的唯一受益人。而且,我也不认为胎记掌纹是指定我是受益人的情况下,也不可能需要让我和其他人共一个信托(因为爷爷在当年就可以从一开始就可以把钱分开,就可以分别给,再分别信托给同一个律师或者不同律师就可以,也就是多写一张信托委托书而已)。
----Jan. 4th, 2019