
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

01-15-2019 Do I have Trust Inheriting? (我是否有继承信托?)

Heard this morning's saying about my intellectual incomes.
My answer: I can't wait to receive them.

I heard if safe for me to possess money in my own name has been the concern, I say now is much improved that I am no longer concerned if my mailbox or my apartment can be opened forcefully but so comfortably right in front of me or my neighbors. So, I am safe as my neighbors now, to receive checks or inquiry letters, and to have some cash in my apartment.
----Jan. 15th, 2019

Heard the Chinese community's anger is still if I have inherited money or financially independent.
My answer: I heard JD has announced Trust registration information can be verified for my most recent 5 generations' grandfathers'. I heard some Chinese angry that all are partial information that does not include current bank accounts information nor current investing activities.

Being the sole beneficiary person of all those Trusts, I state it is not necessary for anyone to know any current financial information of any of those Trusts, as long as it is verifiable that I am the sole beneficiary person and my Trust inheriting are both factual truths.

I heard the prints do not look professionally formal is the reason for the doubts if this is a piece of joky information. I say it is the original print0format from (possibly) a UNIX computer system which is authentic original print-out information. (听说中国政府机关有向美国司法部查询所公布的信托信息,但怀疑所提供的打印件是否不正式不正规而是在开玩笑。我估计那是电脑一种大机器系统的原始记录的打印格式就是这种样子的。这种电脑系统不是适合个人使用的视窗系统,但也是电脑系统,适合大规模资料贮存,多用于大机构大公司,是否如此应该可以通过中国国内的电脑系统核实的。)

I heard following are included in the information, together with me being the sole beneficiary person and in which year. These three generation grandfathers were the three-generation donators of Chinese colleges in the Republic China time.( 台湾应该有方治兴,方励其和方智仁是三代祖父子关系的户籍登记资料,中国大陆有方智仁和我的祖父孙女关系的户籍登记记录,我继承的是他们为我所设立的信托)

My grandfather Fang, Zhiren (祖父方智仁,1965年去世) $15M美金 (exchange rate 1:$3)
My great-grandfather Fang, Liqi(曾祖父方励其(第七子),1930年去世)$11M美金 (exchange rate 1:$1)
My great-great-grandfather Fang, Zhixin (曾曾祖父方治兴,1907-1911年左右去世) $15M美金 (exchange rate 1:$1)
----Jan. 15th, 2019