
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

01-16-2019 Same high school producing team ---- today's and 2016's team (南师大附中制作组)

Heard this morning's broadcasting's lead editor was Chinese Propaganda Minister Wang,Yang's daughter or daughter-in-law (据说是汪洋的女儿或者媳妇做的主编剪辑), the entire producing team was associated with the high school I graduated from (南京师范大学附属中学). Participating producers include Fudan University's Business Professor Yan's son (复旦大学经济学院严教授的儿子)。 This Professor Yan is the person that, in a broadcasting a couple months ago, has demanded a "Lee's Family Trust" set up in 1941,  to be transferred to him because his grandfather already took and kept the 10,000 Dayang that he was requested to send to this Trust in Hong Kong in 1945 by a rich lady in Shanghai. I heard the propaganda in China has been that I had publicly robbed Professor Yan's family wealth because I inherited this Trust in 2004 as the sole beneficiary great-granddaughter that was specified by the settler (my great-grandmother, the one who raised my father under her own roof, and also the one who was the next door neighbor to my grandparents' family). I heard this "Lee's Family Trust" was sized 60,000 Dayang in 1941.

I was harassed by local same high school "harassing team" so that I did not hear what was broadcasted this morning, but I heard the style is the same as 2016's Chinese producing team, which is using one different voice to read one differ scripted line to make-up a featured story that absolutely has nothing to do with the featured person in the story, but each scripted line is read by a person who is reading this person's own situation of the moment to fit this style in a "reality show eligible". This team's such producing efforts is the reason I accused Chines government intentionally blackmailed to threat and to demand money. (制作风格就是编纂剧本后,由演员一人读一句,而每人读的那一句台词也很符合该演员的“朗读时刻”时的真实生活实情,但整个编纂后由朗读而成的广播剧故事却与所讲述的该故事的主要人物没有任何一点关系。据说这是中国制作团队所能够理解的什么是“真实剧”。而我本人就一直因为这种编纂而成的“假真实”而自2016年起就一直指责中国政府是故意抹黑造谣以制造事件实施敲诈绑架勒索财物。据说国内的宣传基调自2016年起就和广播剧的2016年制作基调始终保持一致。)

I heard this producing team has the understanding this is lawful because this is how British Royals blackmailed my name through patched-up some so stuck-on so unwanted stories, obviously, Chinese Foreign Department has not informed them that British Royals and media have already revealed the real European female featured in those stories in 2017 to clarify the matter. (我听说制作团队认为这是国外的通行做法,英国王室就是这么编了一个故事痛骂我方敏是个没人要的烂货的呀。很明显,中国外交部还没有通知他们,英国王室及各国媒体早在2017年就已经在整个欧洲,美洲,大洋洲,亚洲,中东各地区揭示了那些故事中的一个真实的欧洲女性以澄清事件。)

----Jan. 16th, 2019



