
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

01-02-2019 我的亲朋送礼计划 (12-A) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《About my lawful investor income tax rate》

I heard my yesterday's blog aroused a lot of curiosity if the validation is needed. My understanding was if that was because the commercial registry law has been around for about 400 years in history (600 years in my previous blog article is the years has been in the same dynasty), but my grandfather's Trust, that I am the sole beneficiary person of, was set up 800-1300 years ago. I heard it is concluded that "the validation for that 600-800 years' investor-ownership is not necessary", because my ancient family portraits and other hard factual evidence already made up that 600-800 years historical gap. So, I heard it is announced this morning that, it is concluded that all five years'(2015-2019) all providing-payments are lawful payments qualified for investor income tax rate.

I heard this lawful investor-ownership was announced with a "so-annoying" tone, I understand it is from the annoyingness that I was never the person who contributed to any of these companies great history. I respect this is a true statement and I respect all those contributions. I am willing to contribute to the futures of these companies and I already have started such efforts since 2004.
----January 2nd, 2019

I heard the five years paying companies' upstream Trust-investors have been:
  • The first year's settler was Tang dynasty's Emperor Xuanzong(唐玄宗李隆基), at about 1300 years ago. The known heir of the Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong(唐太宗李世民), both featured in those published paintings which were copies from the digital version of those original ancient family portraits.
  • The second year's settler was painter Zhang, Guotao(国画大师张国焘), at about 800 years ago. He was a famous painter in China, one of whose paintings was discovered with the royal collection stamp that cost all his non-heir children been prosecuted by the Emperor of the Song dynasty. I heard this painter's private (royal) collection stamp is identified as the same or characteristically same to the royal collection stamps from the Chinese Tang dynasty and the Chinese Southern Tang dynasty.
  • The third year's settler was Southern Tang dynasty's Emperor Yuanzong (南唐中主唐元宗李璟), and at about 1000 years ago.
  • The fourth and fifth years' settlers were father and son. The father was Tang dynasty's Emperor Wenzong(唐文宗李昂) and the son was Tang dynasty's Emperor Wuzong(唐武宗李瀍), at about 1200 years ago. These two Emperors are historically known heir-grandsons of famous Chinese Tang dynasty's Emperor Taizong and Emperor Xuanzong.
----Jan. 2nd, 2019

USJD and my entrusting attorneys, who is better?
My answer: I am a U.S. citizen and I am the sole beneficiary person.
----January 2nd, 2019

Regarding the anger why it has to be my money. 为什么这钱就只能归你所有的愤怒?
My answer: I understand this can be angry when someone is in the situation that in need of some money or wish to live in a better life, and I understand anger may out of the conceptual understanding that money represents problems-solved or a better life to all those people who share this anger. My own anger has been why it has to be my lawful money? So, let me materialize this anger to illustrate if this anger is about "someone's lawful money but not necessarily specifically my lawful money"我能理解当某人需要钱或者想过一份好的生活时,会有一些钱能解决问题及有钱就能过好日子的理解,并由此而产生一些愤怒,我的愤怒就是为什么想要钱就应该还必须拿我方敏合法的财产及收入?我来展示一下你们是否“只想要别人的合法的钱财但不一定是我的合法钱财”。

Illustration 1:
If you are in a grocery store, you saw an obviously fat wallet displayed casually in your next person's shopping cart, and if you were emotional with this anger "Why it has to be your money?", what will you do? 如果你是正在超市买东西,看到旁边一个人的推车上放着一个鼓鼓的钱包,如果你当时又正好在为“为什么就是应该是你自己的钱”这个道理而生气,那你看到了这个鼓鼓的钱包你会怎么做?

Illustration 2:
If you bypass a wonderful house and saw a beautiful couple with their happy children, and if you were emotional with this anger "Why it has to be owned by you?", what will you do about that house, that couple and those children?如果你经过一个高档住宅,看到一对漂亮夫妻和他们的快乐孩子,如果你当时又正好在为“为什么好的就是应该你自己的”这个道理而生气,那你准备对这房子,夫妻及孩子采取什么行动?
----Jan. 2nd, 2019

Regarding rumors that one of Painter's non-heir son also had set up a Trust, I don't know it that has been next-kin-inherited by the Painter's heir-son (my next generation grandfather) and distributed already, or otherwise. I myself have not heard if that heir-son grandfather of mine also has a Trust for me, so, I have not heard anything regarding that non-heir son's rumor.

----Jan. 2nd, 2019