
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, January 14, 2019

01-14-2019 Who is doing the propaganda that I should be evicted from the U.S. if I dare to complain about public service?

What I have complained about public service? and Why?

I heard, to the government sector of the Boston city and Massachusetts state, "who is the wife to a Ford" is the critical decision factor to the matter if I could possibly have inherited Trusts from my own birth family,  or if I am allowed to have my own making to be owned by myself. I heard it is the same critically important in government sector in China as well. Why???

I heard it has been very confusing who is the real authentic wife to a Ford, a Chinese Miss Zhu or an American (Miss) Juliet, but no matter how confusing it might be, why my own birth Chinese grandfathers' money I inherited or my own making should be whoever's to take in the United States or in the People's Republic of China? and why this taking over without authorization has been supported by some government employees? And why shouldn't I complain about public service from the government sector because of my such severely impacted unhappy experiences?

This morning, I was asking my own attorneys through the recording to my own smartphone about why I can't receive my $400Million yearly providing. I heard rumors that TS announced each $400Million for all five years has been clarified my lawful money verified and transmitted into 5 of my banking estate accounts which mean each bank account should use my name(pseudo or real) listed as owner of the account, I was never asked to provide my own banking information but I have the direct express card. And I heard there was another TS announcement a couple of months later that I (not specifically spelled, so, possibly me) may never get any of these $400Million per year but paid service-fee for each year can be returned or given to me, which means after losing each $400 Million a year, TS can return 400,000 per month service fee. I heard the service fee charged by TS is supposed to be 5% at least, and I heard there is some extra donation to TS that is matched and beyond the difference, well, I assume that is implied as won't be returned because that is a donation.

Some said as long as the money is from some foreign investors, the U.S. certainly can understand this is beneficial to the U.S. How? when I am a U.S. citizen? when the paying money is from these U.S. companies local business profiting? So, some U.S. money that is hard earned by some U.S. companies which should be given to a U.S. citizen has got lost in the U.S., even though it is according to some foreigners' instruction, why this can be understood as beneficial to the U.S.? How this logic can be understood?

I was asking my attorneys exactly what is going on and gets agitated because I just can't get expected money while it seems everyone in Boston including MA government sectors keep saying impatiently"You don't have any money because Rockefellers already said so loudly, you are not associated is loudly from Fords as well.", so, I heard this question "why don't you evict yourself from the United States if you don't like this government?" Am I the one being ridiculous?

I did complaint about Rockefellers regarding their possible involvement of inappropriateness. I heard R claimed this is hostility, I complained why they took my money and claimed I have no money as if I have ever lived on their money? As long as it can be certain I did not claim their money, even though Rockefellers may not know if I am lawful to claim I inherited money from my own birth Chinese grandfathers, my own making from radio program broadcasting should be easy to be understood as my own lawful making, right? R took every penny of my making from the radio program broadcasting.

I heard that saying it is understood that even though it has been all about my life experiences, but the radio program's success is all because of Rockefellers' name, or Fords' name. So, I have to ask why they can have this assumption about their own importance if none of them is a pathetic psycho? When everyone in the U.S. already heard the truth of their real romances, and when whoever in the entire world that heard of their names also heard so many rumors about their true romances already, Why would anyone only listen to the radio program because of their huge importance would waste their time to listen to those fake romance stories, even though it was only a couple of months for each of the two important names while the successful broadcasting was over 10 years? 

 The following has been my statement since June 30th of 2004. It is not hard at all for Rockefellers or Fords, or Waltons, to verify all these money is never owned by any of them, right? The same with Ford's association, it should \not be hard to verify that my inheriting is not associated with the truth if I have ever been associated with any Ford, right?

My 2004 Inheriting has no association with Ford wealth, nor Rockefeller wealth, nor Walton wealth. My Trusts' announced investments in the U.S. have not changed any portion in its entire investing-company-chain for an accumulated over 600 years. 
----Jan. 7th, 2019

----Jan. 14th, 2019

I heard this article pissed off everybody, well, I don't live on their money certainly means I speak up comfortably if they pissed me off.
----Jan. 14th, 2019