
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, April 30, 2018

04-30-2018 No reason to be freaked out (不用过于害怕担心)

04-30-2018 No reason to be freaked out (不用过于害怕担心)





我自己是一直都是自己付费也一直都是在治疗当中, 除了整天被气死,然后经常要躺一躺之外,不担心健康是否可以恢复,美国有技术可以100%治疗到100%康复。






未经授权参与脑控癌生物工程的的研究项目被称为感染。如果有人担心可能被感染而脑控癌的治疗又还未对公众开放期间,担心感染人士可以使用广谱抗菌素,加上抗蛔虫类药物,或者抗寄生虫类药物等(需同时使用)来控制一下所担心的感染症状。脑控癌可以被彻底治愈,只是目前治疗很贵也没有对公众开放。如果担心感染人士是在美国, 可以试试一些加拿大生产的一些药物是不是不需要处方就可以购买,但希望担心感染人士向当医生的朋友咨询后使用。

----2017年12月23日, 2018年4月30日增加“(需同时使用)”


11-05-2017 都是有关脑控癌的

Heard this morning's "No Ball" man.
My response: First of all, this might be the typical pathetic psycho Tina O'Connor's invention of "perfect man" who may have nothing to do with my biological children.

Second, if this is a man who fathers my biological children, by the United States laws, being who he is to me should not be the reason we are punished together no matter how pathetic and daring this Tina O'Connor might be.

Third, this "no ball as if never born with" can be treated completely in only several hours time (emergency treatment)  by currently already available medical treatment technology. I heard its full function is approximately 100% of his same-old, but I would say only his wife would know the accuracy of the real number in percentage if that is the same-old performance. And I heard the office-hour-visits treatment is the testimony of practicing patience, a really lengthy patience practicing but visibly well progressive.

*The treatment has not open to the public, but if being a victim can have needed emergency treatment, the law enforcement has the much louder voice than any currently enlisted or any veteran. Regarding if emergency treatment is needed, that would depend on if the possible infection reason can be removed effectively by enforcing laws and infection can be treated by medication.

----April 30th, 2018

Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.

Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to the majority.

*Glasshouse cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participate. Unauthorized is called infection.

*Unauthorized participation of glasshouse cancer bio-engineering research project is called infection. If anyone is concerned of possible infection during the time that treatment of glasshouse cancer has not been offered to public, this someone can try some medication such as wide spectrum antibiotics, combined with roundworm treatment drugs, or Antiparasitic drugs and other medications (need to intake together) to take care of the possible health situation. Glass house cancer can be cured completely but currently the treatment is very pricey and not open to public. If in the U.S., this someone can try if some Canadian made medication does not require prescriptions. Check with a medical doctor friend prior to usage is advised.

----Dec. 23rd, 2017, April 30th updated "(need to intake together)"

Good news: Critical treatment package includes treatment for some implantable cancer alike infections, current average treatment is 1 hour treatment time. Same rate, same deposit.

11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related