
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, April 20, 2018

04-20-2018 Pharmacologists' Anger

04-20-2018 Pharmacologists' Anger

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Pharmacologists' Anger".
My response: My college major was pharmacology may be the reason for this "pharmacologists' anger."

I have a blog article about exactly what my contribution to Viagra (Blue)is.
What I have figured out 7-years after I heard male sexuality enhancement is very lucrative business abroad is:
"Why not increase sponge area to satisfy sexuality enhancement instead of trying to resolve the entire issue of reproduction?"

On that June Sunday in 2004, I extended this research question to:
"Is there any element in those traditional herbs, etc. can improve this sponge area's local circulation?"

I heard my vogue question on a June Sunday of 2004 had echoed by the research professionals in this specialty who acknowledged that my contribution to the Viagra research was not too late.

I heard my explanation about what my contribution might be to the Viagra had brought understanding from those Viagra researchers who acknowledged that as long as my saying about the contribution is accurate and the reward given to me is based on the fair evaluation.

I heard my explanation also angered a lot of pharmacologists who are not in this specialty. So, I try to explain it again here and I put the link to my explanation below, please let me know if there is any missing piece. It had taken me 8 years to have this vogue contribution to this Viagra.

Obviously, the Professional Knowledge on this specialty is the Key to acknowledge if I contributed to the Viagra.

11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution

----April 20th, 2018

Heard this morning's sad stories involved the two former radio program producers.
My response: I heard they are cousins who never romantically involved with me, both are pharmacologists, and both have been angered about how could I possibly have contributed to Viagra as a pharmacologist.

So, I heard, from their unhappy in-jail experience, one got an unwanted child from the voluntary sex partner, one got my intellectual income from the Viagra.

So, I  wonder, why my money is involved in this none-of-my-business jail experience?

I heard it is done by Albert Gore again. I don't understand why Albert Gore can be so comfortable to evaluate anything that he obviously does not possess the knowledge to evaluate? Plus, from the attorney professional knowledge that Albert Gore should possess, this Albert Gore should know it is a judicial Judge's privilege to evaluate any monetary disputes and to make a ruling if any correction is needed, this is never any radio program's any producer's privilege.

I am not willing to be evaluated by this Albert Gore, and I am not willing to be the person to compensate for that pharmacologist's unhappy jail experience.

----April 20th, 2018