
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

04-14-2018 All those American Fund companies I announced had provided for me handsomely are historically never owned by the house of Rockefellers, nor Waltons, and nor Ford.

04-14-2018 All those American Fund companies I announced had provided for me handsomely are historically never owned by the house of Rockefellers, nor Waltons, and nor Ford.

Heard this morning's announcement of my bladder issue.
My response: My bladder issue was caused by severe harassment through glasshouse cancer technology, rumored performed by Chinese community remotely from Chicago and some O'Connors. An American company that 100% owned by a British company, the same American company which has caused ownership confusion from the O'Connor family, rumored has a Foundation in Chicago that has some O'Connors participating in its management team.

If the harassment is the reason of my bladder issue, I agree that my health situation would get better because the British company is clarifying that American company is 100% owned by the British company which means the O'Connor family do not own that American company at all.

----April 14th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Four British Royal Children.
My response: These rumored four children do not carry my biological blood, and I have not been harassed by the rumored British Royal father of the children for providing. I do not know anything beyond this knowledge.

I assume the confusion if I mother any British children should already have been clarified after the British Royals' smash since November of 2015.

No such British children and I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.

----April 14th, 2018

About this diplomat "director" David Rockefeller.
My confusion: Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is a U.S. diplomat who works in New York City area. Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is in his late 40s or so.

I had met a Military officer David Petraeus before August of 2004 when he was already in his 50s, rumored is family name is first by James or Tom (Tim). I have been a resident of Boston, MA since August of 2004.

I do not understand why this Mr. David Rockefeller needs to meddle my private life as if he has such desperation to self -rescue from my stuck-on efforts. I do not understand why he needs to make the public impression as if I am a sex-offender?

I have to publicly announce that I never show any interest in this Mr. David Rockefeller. If anyone impressed that this Mr. David Rockfeller has this desperation of me harassing him, please help this Mr. David Rockefeller to realize that is 100% purely from his own illusion.

All those American Fund companies I announced that have provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.

I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.

----April 14th, 2018