
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 7, 2018

04-07-2018 I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories

04-07-2018 I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories

Heard this morning's talk about a child.
My response: That man factually never has anything to do with me.

I did hear some rumors in 2016 that there was a man jailed for some reason, and a woman was assigned to his jail room because she was willing to help release his sexual agitation.

I don't feel bad about that woman's tears, if there is any, because I truly don't know the truth and I truly don't like that I am the person be demanded to ease her financial concerns by, rumored, Albert Gore who I accused of attempted murder for my money. I heard Albert Gore has taken some of my intellectual income as well as has announced to let others have my intellectual income, and I heard he has publicly announced on the radio program about his dedication to murder me by letting me get infected or implanted through some advanced biological technology. I haven't been able to visit the public library because of some possible severe on-and-off infections. I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories.

I also heard rumors there is an "Order Form" that anyone can fill out to request me to be abused through biological technology remotely. It is rumored that this "Order Form" was invented by Christopher P. Lu (卢沛宁, the former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor.) and routed by participating employed (Chinese, majority) without any internal order-transmitting authorization, into those facilities that have the biological technology to achieve what has been requested. All these requested have been achieved because it was transmitted to facilities from trusted offices. The fact that any abusiveness requested can be achieved through this "Order Form" is the reason I am constantly threatened "If you dare" by the Chinese community, plus what happened to me on the radio program and my father in China, I have denounced myself, the authentic biological heir of over 10 Chinese ancient Emperors of two Chinese dynasties, from the People's Republic of China and Chinese Communities abroad by sending my statement to the Chinese Consulate New York together with the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai early this month (April of 2018).

My father was announced "death" on Oct. 4th, 2013 by a Chinese herb hospital(江苏省中医院)which was not my father's primary care hospital and also far away from my father's residence. I heard, since that day, that my father's pension has stopped and my father was not allowed to live in his own apartment. My father's current status is missing without any valid Chinese identification. I was told in January of 2015 by my same parents' sibling that my father "died" on that day. I have contacted the Insitute my father retired from and the Chinese Consulate in New York City after I heard all these ridiculous rumors in February of 2018, I have not heard any feedback from them about my father but the rumored broadcasted stories on the radio that there can be multiple volunteers to be paid to be "the father get provided for" since March of 2018 which was after my contacting efforts. I am certain all those broadcasting were not out of any confidence in my father's well-being.

I am lucky I have entrusted my father to the same group I have entrusted my Trusts. I have also entrusted my mother as well but my mother's story was in 2006 when China was ruled by the former administration of the People's Republic of China (current administration started since 2012). So, I am still listening to rumors about my mother and I am confident about her well-being.

----April 7th, 2018


我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。

----published in April, 2018