
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

04-17-2018 About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.

All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.

I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.

----published on April 15th, 2018

04-17-2018 About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.

Heard this morning's talk about Fedexed money from China.
My response: I heard there are two impressions about this saying.

1: it means money from the People's Republic of China's Centre(Federal) Reserve.
Well, unless this is used by the non-U.S. residents, otherwise, this income needed to be reported to the U.S. government for tax reason.

2: It means Chinese woman Min Fang's money.
This is the same rumor how my intellectual incomes have been taken by those "privileged women". I heard a good numbered people are announced on the radio for their deserved sexualities by Albert Gore himself or by Albert Gore's help to be announced, and I heard most of my intellectual incomes have been demanded to be sent there right after each of such announcement was broadcasted.

----April 17th, 2018

About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.
My response: I am so glad to hear my $700Million from my Hong Kong trust is on its way to my ID-name (Min Fang) accessible bank account. This $700Million includes my promised gift to my sibling, my father's siblings, and my grandfather's siblings, but the updated gift size has not been decided yet because I have not been fully informed accurately how the condition of this gifting has been violated.

I was asked why not all grandfathers' siblings' offspring. I am explaining that I did not give out my gift just because they are my father's or my grandfather's siblings. I was willing and I am still willing to give out this gift is because they had been nice to my father and me.

My father grew up with my great grandmother who lived with my grandfather's younger siblings before they got married. They had enjoyed my father accompany that made my father's childhood a great memory I often heard my father mention. My father's siblings had made my 5-years college time in Shanghai could always have a place to look forward to be whenever I longed for some family time for weekends.

I heard some of them have been pissed off why they need to receive this gift from me instead of inheriting their own father's money from the Hong Kong Trust. It is because the Hong Kong Trust which I inherited in 2004 was never their inheritable.

The Hong Kong Trust I inherited was set up by my grandfather in 1949 which was 16 years before 1965 when my grandfather passed away,  the money that my grandfather had put into the Hong Kong Trust was no longer my father & my father's siblings inheritable. According to my grandfather's will, the Hong Kong Trust was never their inheritable.

I can imagine the anger of "refuse to understand" but I am not comfortable to be in the troubles as if I deserve to be "cursed" or "robbed" whenever they visit. I have to say that I am not willing to receive any visit from these relatives of my father side till they have fully consulted their own attorneys to know that I truly did not take a penny of their deserved money. And I won't hesitate to call 911 if there is any such situation.

----April 17th, 2018