
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

04-03-2018 $400 Million = $400,000 monthly providing X 83 years ( It is Never her saved money )

04-03-2018  $400 Million = $400,000 monthly providing X 83 years (It is Never her saved money)

Heard this morning's talk on a Jessica Petroves.
My response: I heard this is the family name associated with Javits Center in New York City as well as Ford Business. Obviously, she married well to be a Mrs. Rockefeller & Mrs. Petraeus.

But I don't get why she thinks I am so afraid of her? And why she needs me to be another terrified one? Obviously, her husband and her in-laws are all enormously terrified by her, it is really hard for me to imagine that strong attraction towards the multi-aspects of terrifying.

And I don't get the idea why she needs to spend her maiden monthly providing of $400,000 to tell everyone I have no money? Why would she say that could be a strategy when it is actually abducting me in poverty efforts according to the United States Criminal laws? I just don't get the idea what she intends to achieve? By the way, it was this Jessica Petroves this morning who announced my SSI from SSA would stop.

Also, why she insists on getting my money? The accusation that I spend some of her husband's or her inlaws money is a fake accusation if not misunderstanding. As far as I know, those accused unwillingly spending during the 2004-2005 time were all actually profitable investments on hot popular shows or profitable hospital that those popular shows already handsomely paid back their original investments together with the average yield returns (profits).

I am wealthy enough compare to her husband, I have no reason at all to need her husband's money. That $400Million paid-out by a Ford Business in Nov. 2016 or so is $400,000 thousands to cover my 2017 living expenses which would eventually be deducted from my own Trust that I inherited on June 30th of 2004, well, it has to be upon my receipt of it.

1: I am not the person and I won't be the person terrified by this Jessica Petroves because there is no imaginable reason at all.

2: That $400 Million is the size of over 83 years savings of every penny on a $400,000 per month budget which is so clearly obvious that $400 Million is never her money. Never her Money.

----April 3rd, 2018


What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----originally published on February 27th, 2018