
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, April 6, 2018

04-06-2018 Rumored his old neck still needs the Cervical Braces(Metal Neck Collar) to support

04-06-2018 Rumored his old neck still needs the Cervical Braces(Metal Neck Collar) to support

Heard this morning's talk about pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller.
My response: I remembered that was the name once on Massachusetts Police Amber Alert in 2009 for abducting his own younger child from the mother. It was announced on the radio that is a pseudo name then.

I also heard this same pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller almost got his neck broken by his adult daughter in 2007. It was because his beloved adult daughter Jessica announced her sole ownership of the Javits Center in New York City on the radio program, and she went to the center to insist on demanding rent should be paid to her after the broadcasting. That was before she married to the authentically young and handsome Mr. Rockefeller. The result was his old neck was almost broke by the anger explosion from those real owners of the Javits Center.

Well, she announced a lot more on the same radio program after her marriage which include the announcement of owning everything I own in 2014, and rumors that she truly has gone to everywhere to tell everyone that everything I own is actually owned by her had prompted me called police officers help but I don't know how police officers do their normal fights.

(source: https://www.depuysynthes.com/patients/aabp/researchingtreatmentrecovery/braces)

By the way, she was the person wrote letters to say the paid-out arrangements to cover my living expenses are actually should be hers/ Actually, the Fund that had paid-out the $400 Million check for my living expense in 2016 (obviously delayed) together with a $400 Thousand monthly service charge is not associated with the famous Javits Center in New York City but famous London building.

----April 6th, 2018