
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, April 9, 2018

04-09-2018 "A Female's Brain never equals to a Female's Buttock, A Professional Female never equals to a Prostituting Occupation, A House Wife never equals to a Pig-Reproduction"

04-09-2018 "A Female's Brain never equals to a Female's Buttock, A Woman's Profession never equals to a Prostituting Occupation, A House Wife never equals to a Pig-Reproduction"

Heard this morning's talk about "grabbed a wallet on a street".
My response: I once grabbed a handbag on a street in Nanjing, China.

It was a summer, I was locking my bike when I saw a passing-by couple behind me was carrying a same strapless handbag in her hand, it was the exact same as I was carrying that day. I chased after her and grabbed that handbag,  her innocent look on her face when she turned prompted me frantically searching for my own. You can certainly imagine the humiliation when  I found out my own handbag was in my own hand the entire time.

----April 9th, 2018

Heard some rumor that why paid-out investment became expenses?
My response: I heard this confusion is the reason I am blamed for spending other people's money which I didn't.

I heard the investments have been paid back with decent returns (profits). The best is to ask the person who received the original paid-out investment about updates or who received that paying-back check of the original investment plus the profits.

I heard this radio program has been paying the investors' profits from this radio program together with the producing team and me (major featured person) since late half of 2005. It has been paid monthly to the bank account provided by the investor, my major featured person has been accumulated in the radio company's account, the $3Billion paid-out in 2016 was my major featured person fee between 2005 to Dec. 31st of 2012.

I handle my expense separately with my making. I reject anyone to take my making and(or) spend my money without my authorization. I refuse to let my income routed to anyone's expense without my authorization.

----April 9th, 2018

I was asked who I am fighting about what.
My response: I am fighting for what my authentic intellectual achievements are,

I am fighting a female's pants-on achievements from a non-prostituting profession can't be confused as if the same value as a female's sexual glamour.

As broadcasted on the radio some time ago, I have been fighting with those males about what is mine or what never theirs, and about those males are not privileged at all to take what is mine because I have nothing to do with all those males.

I am not fighting whose lap I deserve to bare-butts on because I choose to only bare-butts on the lap of my love, on the lap of my marriage partner, on the lap of my marriage family who I share my life with our children together.

I am not fighting for whose child deserve to have more money provided from whom because I am making enough to provide for my own blood on my own, and I have been providing for my own blood handsomely on my own birth grandfathers' blessing.

So, shut the fuck up if you already know I can afford to have my children wealthy enough without a bit of your biological blood.

And, shut the fuck up to stop confusing anyone as if you are the only person who can have a sperm.

I don't want to comment on if your sperm can be any good for my biological children, but I say to you to shut your fuck up and go fuck your cheap as you wish.

From the enormously determined presentation of the only possible source of any woman's money, by the efforts of this radio program's never-strayed producing trend, I wonder who are the rich supportive investors of this radio program that have been providing to their own birth daughters from their Joyful Stick. And, is it possible every single one of all the wealthy daughters of this supportive investor group has been provided for by a Joyful Stick and calls it the allowance from the birth father?

Luckily, this is definitely not the Chinese Tradition my maiden family came from. Plus, all my grandfathers who blessed me wealthily have passed away before I was born. Not a chance to be wondered.

----April 9th, 2018