
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

04-15-2018 Exactly, Who is the British East India Company's Financier?

According to the historic referring to the fact that I am lawfully the sole beneficiary person of the "Asian Man's Trust.", I am the British East India Company's Financier.

According to the British Crown Prince William's wish, I have no child nor children biologically shared with the British Crown Prince William. No Such Child. No Such Children.

----April 16th, 2018

That four British children residing in the United States do not carry my biological blood is the reason I won't provide for them. They are provided for by some other company that has East India in the company's name. I was asked if I am certain of this four children's blood or if I need to do a DNA test myself, I say I can do a DNA test myself but I doubt if that is necessary because There is no logical reason at all for the British Crown Prince William to have the children born for the denouncing purpose without any lawful benefit at all to himself or the British Royals.

Don't listen to such rumors that it is by laws that I won't be able to visit those rumored "denounced my biological British children", that is equally saying I should give out money without check out the blood of the rumored "denounced children". No Such Child. No Such Children.

----April 16th, 2018

04-15-2018 Exactly, Who is the British East India Company's Financier?

I have argued about O'Connor family regarding an American Fund I remembered I should have inherited in 2004 on Boston 96.9FM in 2015-2016.  The following is what I heard of and what I know. please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if there is any. I have no intention to spread wrongful rumors but I won't be able to correct anything without authentic and authoritative correction.

Heard this morning's talk about the British company.
My response: I heard there has been several hundred "British.. East India .. " company ever since the great success of the British East India Company.  I am not certain which one was the one broadcasted this morning that declared has nothing to do with me at all or have provided for a Bostonian yearly.

The British East India Company has been over 400 years old already, and I heard the British East India Company's French Financier Fund has been over 600 years old, this British East India Company's French Financier Fund's British child Fund company is the one I claimed that has entitled me the British East India company's Financier for about 200 years because I am the sole beneficiary person of that famous "Asian Man's Trust".

I heard: I was provided by the famous "Asian Man's Trust" that I inherited in 2004 via this British East India company's British financier Fund company through its American child company one time only in November of 2015. So far, I have been provided by 4 of my grandfathers' Trusts since November of 2014, one grandfather one year.

This one grandfather's Trust per year is the reason you have also heard a French actress performing this morning of the confusion over a French Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2017 and Jessica Pejoves's confusion on the radio for another British Fund's American company's paid-out in Nov. 2016. And some American Pejoves and some American Petroves are cousins may be the reason you also heard some American Petroves' confusion over the same paid-out from the American company that historically never associated with some American Petroves name. By the rumor, the two American name associated two American companies share the same Spanish great grandparent company.

And you have also heard Albert Gore's desire to own a $200 Million from a Portugal Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2014. The ridiculousness that Albert Gore's name only associate with that American company since July of 2004 may have been why his name needs a reason to demand his desire to own the money.

As far as I know, as the British parent company has been clarifying about the confusion between me and O'Connor's family, the correct relationship is:
  1. The once-in-argument American company is 100% fully owned by its British parent company solely. 
  2. My Trust is an investor Fund which is at least 4-5 layers away from this American company. 
  3. The O'Connor family historically never own this American company, nor its British parent company, nor its French grandparent company, nor its Spanish great grandparent company.
I understand this is the same which is:

If I bought stocks of a Publicly Traded Big International Bank JPM Chase Bank Company from the stock market to be its investor, I should not expect myself to claim the ownership of this JPM Chase Bank Company's global branches nor ATM machines because each branch & each ATM machine are fully owned by the JPM Chase Bank company. 

My anger and agitation are: some O'Connor, some American Pejoves (some American Petroves) and Albert Gore have intended to take that paid-out money by confusing everyone regarding who owns the money Lawfully through this radio program's biased unfactual broadcasting. And their intention is to do this every year to ensure that I have no money of my own but to live on welfare. I am constantly threatened to be "evicted" from welfare's help by this same group. 

Together, I heard this same group of people took every penny of my intellectual incomes (including the IheartRadio company's paid-out of $3Billion major featured person fee) and my Hong Kong Trust's $700 Million to ensure I have no cash money to hire expensive attorneys and they have been blocking possible free attorneys service by expressing their willingness to recruit whoever deserve to have a better job publicly on the radio indirectly. 

I have called law enforcement's help. And I refuse to let the paid-out-s to be deducted from those Trusts I inherited till I receive these paid-out-s in full.

All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.

I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.

----April 15th, 2018