
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

04-04-2018 Why not Seeking Free Volunteer Attorney's Help?

04-04-2018 Why not Seeking Free Volunteer Attorney's Help?

Heard this morning's talk about what it would be like if I "beg" for some help in Chinese Communities.
My response: I heard that was said by Lu, Pei ling(卢沛宁) and his rumored romance (mother of his child).

I was advised to seek free volunteer attorney's help through Bar Association's referral service. I did not go to a volunteer attorneys association in Boston once in 2015 to file bankruptcy to clean my band debts to open a bank account, but I was rejected because I stated in my letter that I have my inherited wealth under entrusting.

I have no problem to seek free volunteer's help when I am in need, and I have no reason to restrict myself to only seek help from Chinese communities because I can communicate in English about my frustrations thoroughly.

I haven't sought any free volunteer attorney's help regarding my frustration from the radio program, my concern is the possible hostility employment opportunity offering from the party who has been frustrating me.will have huge impacts on my lawful interests. If Jessica Petroves can spend $400K U.S.dollars a month to promote that I have no money, it takes a no-brainer to imagine that this Jessica Petroves would have no problem to offer this $400K U.S. dollars to employ an attorney who happens to be a volunteer attorney helping on my case. And I know for certain this Jessica Petroves is not the only person who frustrates me this way.

I have constantly called law enforcement's help and completely ignored "so annoying" rumors, this comfortableness is from the confidence I learned from the American cowboy movies what "the badge of laws" means to the United States' law enforcement, plus, I do have inheritances that come with local attorneys who can work with my entrusting attorneys if needed. I am protected by the United States laws.

I don't know what it was exactly like in this morning's broadcasting because of my own personal experiences regarding this same radio program, I have never met this Mr. Lu in any occasion, and I don't foresee that I would call on his help from his attorney's professional knowledge. So, most likely, I am being honest to state that I may not have the opportunity to meet this Mr. Lu in an occasion even if I am in a situation.

----April 4th, 2018