International Hospitals and Clinics in Shanghai
Jiahui Health(嘉会医疗)
Global Healthcare International SOS
Parkway Health Shanghai United Family Healthcare American OBGYN
Delta Health Raffles Medical Group New Vision Eye Clinic
World Path Clinic Landseed Hospital Shanghai Chiropractic
Red Leaf Maternity Hospital Shanghai Sky Clinic
Shanghai East International Medical Center (SEIMC) St Michael Hospital
Institute for Western Surgery Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine (the clinic)
(源自:上海国际医院名单, 索引文章)
In 2004, it was mentioned that my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings would have local health insurances provided that, as a joke, should be deducted from their own money of ¥500 Million that I was willing to gift later or so. They are my father side's relatives that I heard of or am familiar of.
----February 10th, 2018
03-03-2018 These freak you out almighty powerful(吓死你的那份势力)
妈妈王博贤,听说了你有收到我的信托提供给你的健康照顾,我相信你很好,我会想办法如何可以和你取得联系。爸爸目前和我也失联。你要是能看到这个博客,就去图书馆办个图书馆卡用somebodyinma@gmail.com 和我联系。用手机上的《Email(电邮)》功能就可以。
You need a mother, I send you someone who is willing (since your own birth mother deserves nothing at all)
My response:Your mouthful poo must be peed by someone from Beijing of the People's Republic of China, you only deserve to poo all your shit in Beijing to those who have peed in your mouth.
----March 3rd, 2018
你嘈着要你妈,我送你一个愿意当的 (你自己亲妈可是什么都不配)。