
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, March 10, 2018

03-10-2018 About my trust my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong (有关我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托)

03-10-2018 A bit more About my trust my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong (有关我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托)

Heard this morning's talk about what my father should do.
My response: Both my younger and I are in our late 40s now. My father has raised me and my younger brother with all he had.

----March 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my grandmother's “fight” with my great grandmother.
My response: I heard that was when my uncle, my father's youngest sibling, was only several years old.  That "fight" was because my grandmother wanted my great-grandmother took my uncle with her(my grandmother's) other children for an outing. My great grandmother just completely ignored the "fact" my uncle was crying hysterically non-stop.

All my grandmother's children are from my great grandmother. All my father's siblings share "the same birth mother, the same birth grandmother".

----March 10th, 2018

A bit more about my trust that my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong.
My response: I heard it was said on the radio the total that received from my grandfather was "5 Million Chinese Silver Doller". I also heard that "10,000 Chinese Silver dollar in 1949 = ¥10 Million RBM in 2004".

If so, "500,000 Silver Dollar = ¥500 Million RMB".  Compare to the total of "5Million Silver Dollar", the size of the gift "50,000 Silver Dollar" I was willing to give to my father's and my grandfather's siblings is not shabby at all.

No wonder Chinese community abroad who know the price of the Silver Dollar never commented if "¥500 Million RMB" is shabby.

----March 10th, 2018






我的回应:我听说广播上讲的香港一共是收到了我爷爷所托付的五百万(大洋)。我也听说了“1949年时候的1万大洋 = 2004年时候的1千万人民币”。

如果是这样的话,“50万大洋= 5亿人民币”。和我收到的一共就只有5百万大洋相比,我最初愿意给我爷爷及我父亲的兄弟姊妹的·那份“5亿元人民币一家”的礼物规模可是一点都不寒碜。


我爷爷家里1949年解放前后是住在上海愚园路上的连栋6个三层单户的”人民小区“, 就在上海静安寺一个武警中队招待所的对面。当时是和我爷爷的一个朋友两家分租(各三个单户)。我爷爷奶奶和我的叔叔姑姑们一个三层单户,我曾祖母和我的父亲一个三层单户,另一个是杂用。我父亲从出生就一直是和我的曾祖母一起生活的,我父亲的叔叔姑姑未婚前也都很喜欢我的父亲。这是我愿意给我父亲的叔叔姑姑一家一份礼物的原因。

