
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

03-25-2018 Hong Kong is not money laundry and Where is the comfortableness come from? ( 香港从来没有洗过钱以及哪来的这份理所应当啊?)

03-25-2018 Hong Kong is not money laundry and Where is the comfortableness come from? ( 香港从来没有洗过钱以及哪来的这份理所应当啊?)

Heard confusion about Hongkong's $500 Million(中文附后).
My response: I heard HongKong investment's management called Hongkong police on July 2nd of 2004 about the possible money laundry regarding my request to transfer this $500Million to the United States on July 1st of 2004.

What I heard is it has already been verified that Hongkong investment's management had transferred this $500Million to the United States as I requested, around July 10th of 2004 or so, after Hongkong law enforcement clarified the money laundry confusion. American Mr. Walton had already verified he had received this $500Million in July of 2004 and he had invested this $500 Million according to what was specified in the legal documentation that accompanied with this money transfer.

My trust was set up as an entity which means the capitals from the trust was the investment instead of a loan.

The conclusionMy request to transfer $500Million from the Hong Kong trust I inherited to the United States was never a money laundry.

----March 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about why the comfortableness to make claims when there's no ground(中文附后).
My response: Let me share some of my frustration and some rumors I heard of to help everyone to analyze why.

I had met that three notorious Chinese guys in 1988, 1989 and 1991, just met once each (two in-person) and that is it. All three were in a 1989's meeting when I was a college student in Shanghai that all three had heard I have huge wealth to inherit abroad, all three had moved on with their own life after that "met incidence", but they all have developed this comfortableness of being the master of me. In 2004, they played this same trick, and you already heard this comfortableness on the radio so loudly.

I recently heard my father's college romance story was similar. I heard my father invited his college girlfriend to visit his family in Shanghai around 1960, and my grandfather treated her well. I heard she can't forget the luxury places (of that time) she had chances to go to even after all these years. Well, after all these unforgettable experiences, she left my father and married someone else in Beijing very easily after just a year of her college graduation. And I heard after she became the mother of three children who all have nothing to do with my father biologically, she took my mother's wedding gift sent by my grandfather's friends so comfortably and kept declaring she got that was because she is the "true love" of my father. I heard her children are now demanding to have a share of my inherited wealth because they are the true beloved of their mother who is the "true love" of my father.

On the radio, you must have heard so many denouncing statements with a master's tone just because "met in a 2004's meeting and there was a matrimony discussion in the meeting" incidence. And they all deserve to have a saying over my lawful wealth, it is obviously not just saying over my wealth but the decision power.

Who empowered them? Who is in what position to empower them? How can they be empowered over my finance without their own access to it? Obviously, the person or the group who has been empowering them has no valid access to my lawfully inherited lawful wealth.

How about my grandfather's wealth? My father did not get a penny from my grandfather when my grandfather passed away in 1965, and there are tons of rumors about that. One of the rumor is that that college ex-girlfriend in Beijing had received my father's share. If this rumor is true, I doubted that giving was from my grandfather because my grandfather should have known that my father did not visit Beijing at each time when she was conceived of her children as a married woman since 1961.

The Chinese government has this strong argument how could I possibly have inheritable if I grew up no money in China. Well, if you heard my mother did not receive any wedding gifts from my father's siblings or my grandfather's friends, and only used one (switched from the new by her eldest sister) from her maiden family, why you think I could possibly receive anything from abroad? Till now, my family has not heard what else has been taken so comfortably or by whom other than the foreign-made-watch taken by that ex-girlfriend from Beijing.

Exactly, who is the person supporting all these ridiculous unlawful confusion to have this comfortableness to trigger all these impacted such anger?

----March 25th, 2018







我是在1988,1989 和1991年认识了那三个臭名昭著的中国名流男子,每个人都是只交往过一次(就是认识的那一次),只见过其中两个,仅此而已。三个都参加了1989年的全国高校会议,我当时是上海一所大学的学生,三个也都在那次会上听说了我会有大笔在海外的钱可以继承,三个也都是在认识我之后都活的各自各精彩都有他们自己的私人生活,但都有一种他们已经是我的主子的态度。2004年,他们好像玩的是同一种手法,你们现在也都在广播里听到这份理所应当的态度了。






