
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, March 16, 2018

03-16-2018 What are the frustrations? (到底吵的是什么呀?)

03-16-2018 What are the frustrations? (到底吵的是什么呀?)

Heard this morning's talk about my SSI
My response:My providing through Social Security system was requested and agreed-upon on July 1st of 2004 in concern of issues that often happen when a private wealthy is under-entrusting. The Social Security Administration's office that granted this approval of my providing request which is the same office that has also received my providing-payments from my trusts, is the office that supervises the Social Security Welfare office which includes the SSI office.

I do not know the criteria for approving this type of request. I know the concerns of entrusting wealth related can be helped by food stamps and housing projects to ease pressures of working for food while entrusted-wealth can afford all these expenses.

----March 16th, 2018

Heard saying "It is only the government's Justice Department says this or that is my lawful money."
My response: Not only the government's Justice Department who represents the United States laws stating this or that is my lawful money but also the money-paying companies testified that the paid-out money is for my lawful exclusive usage according to their acknowledged & known lawful money-owners' lawful instructions.

----March 16th, 2018

I am asked, "if someone deserved to be poor is the reason I refuse to give out money".
My response: My answer to the question if that person deserved to be poor depends on if I am swearing about that person or not.

But the reason I refuse to give out my own money is that I do not owe that person any money.

And I think if that person in need of help, charities and the government's welfare agency are the places that have the standard to decide if that is a person in poverty.

----March 16th, 2018

I am asked, "if someone is willing to reach out to help people in needs, why it has to be this someone's  own money?"
My response: I think it may not need to be this someone's own money ---

If this someone is hired by a charity or the government's welfare agency, but this someone has to follow the standard that is defined by the charity or the government agency this someone works for because the funding is not from this someone's own money.

Or if this someone is authorized to represent the owner who lawfully owns the money on this giving-out money matter. This someone has to follow the conditions that decided by the lawful owner of the money on this giving-out money matter as well.

I am saying it is by laws that only this someone's own money can be given out as this someone's own free-wish.

----March 16, 2018










