
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, March 26, 2018

03-26-2018 All about that $500 Million ---- Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业) never did money laundry (都是有关五亿美金的--长江实业从未涉入任何洗钱行为)

03-26-2018 All about that $500 Million ---- Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业) never did money laundry (都是有关五亿美金的--长江实业从未涉入任何洗钱行为)

Heard this morning's talk about HongKong's $500 Million.(中文附后)
My response: I heard the accountant wrote the check from Hong Kong Cheung (香港长实) company's operating account instead of my Hongkong Trust's capital account in the company caused money laundry confusion.

That is the reason there were arguments you heard on the radio about the money should be from the piles after-registry-closed. The piles after-registry-closed mean the money is the profiting from the business operation.

Operating account means the money in business operation which is the money in the registry. Capital account means the investor's profiting share which is the piles after-registry-closed.

So, what the accountant stated this morning was that she had signed that $500Million check upon my Hong Kong Trust's request from the registry instead of the piles after-registry-closed.

I assume she must have expected that would be a very high return investment opportunity to miss for the company. Well, you heard the argument from Mr. Walton to clarify that is the unlikely situation. And the legal documentation prepared by my Hong Kong Trust made a verify appropriate specification which was "to invest this $500 Million at an average yield".

I heard this $500Million had been adjusted to the capital account is the reason Mr. Walton cannot return this money back to the company. *The $500Million was owned lawfully by my Hong Kong Trust in its capital account after the accounting adjustment and transferred to the United States afterward,  this $500Million should be given to me as the transferring legal documentation specified.

Conclusion: Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业) never did money laundry.

The reason I requested this $500Million from my Hong Kong Trust to the United States was that all the hostilities I felt regarding how I did my inheriting day shopping spree. I did not know that shopping spree was either understood "the female butts money I was demanding" or understood "the female butts money I was given". But I felt the pressure of pushing me to reveal the account numbers with the saving amount to prove that I do have some money, and I wanted to gift some to my father-side relatives as part of my inheriting shopping spree, so I asked Hong Kong Trust to transfer some money to the United States to invest that everyone know I do have the money I inherited and that is it. And I told my father-side relatives I would gift them ¥500Million RMB when I go home.

I had no intention to reveal my private savings in any way, that includes this Hong Kong Trust. But the pressure I felt was from the China community or the Chinese government was the reason I requested this money to be transferred from the Chinese run Hong Kong Trust.

I heard in that legal documentation accompanied with the $500 Million transfer from Hong Kong, it is specified that Mr. Walton should give the $500 Million with the investment return to me. And that is the legal issue that I have with Mr. Walton after he announced his giving of $700 Million to Albert Gore on the radio.

I have to clarify that Mr. Walton does have a lot of his own money to spend, but Mr. Walton is not the authorized and/or privileged person to spend my money.

I heard rumors that my father-side relatives only willing to let Albert Gore or his representative(s) handle my gift-giving related matter. Well, if this rumor* is true, I would need legal documentation of their willingness, and I understand that is their free wishes to reject my gifting.

On July 1st of 2004 when that money-pool was announced, I made myself very clear that I would not take any money from the money-pool of other people's donation-deposit and I would not put a penny (or more) into that money-pool as well. I have called laws help on legal issues related to this money-pool.

Albert Gore was never the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.
Albert Gore is not the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.
Albert Gore will never be the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.

* The rumor I heard is Mr. Walton would not give me that $500Million with its investment return, Albert Gore willing give $400Million to my father-side relatives from the $700Million he had received from Mr. Walton on the same day Mr. Walton announced on the radio. So, he can keep a $300Million. I reject this unauthorized arrangement of my money of the $500Million transferred from Hong Kong together with its investment return. I called law enforcement's help.

----March 26th, 2018













在2004年7月1日宣布那个蓄钱池的时候,我就已经明确表态我不会从这个蓄钱池里拿别人捐得一分钱,也不会往这个蓄钱池里放一分(或更多) 钱。我已经就我的一些智慧产权收入被存入这个蓄钱池里被瓜分的传言报警处理。


