
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

08-14-2018 I never bilked into my success in 2004.

08-14-2018 I never bilked into my success in 2004.

Heard this still has been an issue regarding how I could be the major featured person of the radio program.
My response:

I heard how I was invited into the meeting has been the serious issue for the reasons that I don't deserve the major featured person fee because I "bilked" this opportunity to make $3.5 Billion + more from a radio program without a bit of appreciation showed towards the group I "bilked".

I thought this has been cleared but I realized it probably has not because yesterday I received a letter obviously don't take me as the person in need of financial help because of some legal situation but have the credential to pay off any debt easily with this $3.5Billion income. I still don't know what has been the confusion because my side story has been a very simple inheriting case that expanded to chatroom talks which sparked the creation of this radio program.

I worked for Janus Associated since September of 1999 and I had finished the Window login replacement project sometime before August of 2003. This is the project I expected to pay me off handsomely because of its no-password login module and secure encrypted data-transmitting module. I requested to move up to Boston of Massachusetts for the reason I could work with the Boston team on this project if they had any issues with the prototype I handed in.

It was after this relocation to Boston of Massachusetts, I  attended a seminar n the Biometric industry with Janus Associates colleagues in Washington area where I met David Petraeus in a Hyatt hotel's lobby area which was in September or October of 2003. I relocated back to Stamford of Connecticut in November of 2003.

I was called into a conference meeting in January of 2004 by my green card application representing attorney. I heard earlier that this was organized by a lady attorney who I had received a phone call from in the year 2000 which was about if I need immigration sponsorship. I heard recently the attorney stated that he was asked by an investor to David Petraeus' family business to schedule this meeting. This investor of David Petraeus' family business has been a French company's American investment. This is the same company I claimed has [aid for my this year's living expenses currently.

This French company's American investment has been an investor to Lehman Brothers was the reason that my outrageous "ideas" about "a Lehman brothers investor" on July 1st of 2004 was not a criminal activity after Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008. I have explained on this blog publicly to Lehman Brothers management as well as its staff after I heard I myself have been its investor that it was never because I had any issue against its management nor its board of directors, nor I insisted on to make troubles. It is true that CDC or subprime mortgages related issues had been the real reason. Now I am apologizing to all the impacts because of confusions related to this.

I was called by this same attorney to his office on June 30th of 2004. The meeting started off with forbidding to contact David Petraeus" because he was a married U.S. military officer then. I was told it was the official order from the U.S. Military.

I was called by this same attorney to his office on the next day which was July 1st of 2004. This meeting was based on my request of entrusting my inherited wealth. I inherited on the same day on June 30th of 2004, but it was sometime after that U.S. Military's order I mentioned above.

This radio program was created on July 1st of 2004, in the same meeting I entrusted my inherited wealth.

I was never invited into any of all these 2004's telemeetings by David Petraeus or his Rockefeller relatives. I never bilked myself as a Rockefeller associated to be in any of 2004's teleconferences. I was invited by my own name Min Fang because of my own matters. The only reason that associated with David Petraeus and how I was invited into all 2004's meetings was the U.S. Military order which forbade me to contact David Petraeus before his retirement from the U.S. Military.

----August 14th, 2018