
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

08-02-2018 This morning's broadcasting of the anger related to the wealth I announced

08-02-2018 This morning's broadcasting of the anger related to the wealth I announced.

1: "Announce to own".
My response: This anger statement is ridiculous and untrue.

I announced them in 2017-2018 after they had provided for me according to their lawfully registered lawful owners' clear instructions. All four companies have acknowledged four Trust entities I inherited are their upstream investors. Two of these four companies' paying checks to my living expenses already have been verified as upon lawful instructions as well. The other two companies are in process of clarifying. All these four Trust entities I inherited are over 500 years ancient.

----August 2nd, 2018

2: "No such big sized company in New York city without a grand building"
My response: This anger statement is ridiculous and untrue.

These companies are all Fund companies which means they are all financial institutes but not banks which further means no crowded customers to need huge spaces for.

----August 2nd, 2018

3:"Why it has to be your money?"
My response: This anger statement is ridiculous, dangerous and unlawful.

In the United States, this anger means the intention of illegally taking over the lawful ownership of lawfully owned money, this is the anger may trigger the crime of larceny or the crime of robbery.

In the United States, any money's legal ownership is decided by U.S. laws, not by deservedness nor wishes.

In the United States, the legal ownership is what law enforcement protecting.

In the United States, if there are lawful doubts over money's ownership, a civil lawsuit or a criminal investigation are the lawful means to clarify money's ownership.

----August 2nd, 2018

4: "Why you refuse to bow to my wife?"
My response: This anger statement is ridiculous, pathetic, sick and psycho.

I am a female who never fancy your wife's sexuality nor your wife's reproductive function. When I don't eat on you, don't sleep on you, and don't intend to be around your sickness, I certainly have no obligation nor need to privilege your marriage.

----August 2nd, 2018