
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

08-16-2018 THE DTA money-taken story was in 2007

08-16-2018 THE DTA money-taken story was in 2007

Heard this morning's broadcasting that the same glamor European Spanish took money from DTA.
My response:
I heard it yesterday.

If anyone wants to open a coffee shop, this person would be advised to apply for a commercial license (registration title or license title), a Tax license (tax id), and a food administrative license. Among this three, only food administrative license is specialized to a coffee shop or a restaurant, the commercial license and tax license are needed by all organizations.

It is by its commercial license and tax license, the paying company is 100% fully owned by its British investor company, and the British company is 100% fully owned by its French investor company.

It is by the paying company's commercial license (registration title or license title), by the paying company's IRS tax-id, the paying company has never been owned by any individual in the U.S, nor in U.K.

It is by the paying company's commercial license (registration title or license title), by the paying company's IRS tax-id, the paying company has never been owned by any Rockefeller House, nor any Ford Houses, nor any Walton houses.  

I have been angry that when the husband's family never owns the paying company, and when the glamor wife took the money paid by the paying company's company-check, but the husband keeps telling everyone he is such a family man. What this suppose to mean when my providing money from the company-check been taken by the couple who I never had any romance association with?

Let me illustrate what I mean. There is a restaurant and its lawful owner is a couple by the restaurant's license registration & tax id. The owner-wife paid to a hospital her maiden parents' medical care by a restaurant's check. Well, there is a glamor wife went to the hospital and tells the hospital she is a wife and she dislikes her husband's family's money to pay for the owner-wife's maiden parents, so she took the money from the hospital. And the glamor husband went on telling everybody he is such a family man.

But the glamor couple is not the co-owners of the restaurant, the glamor husband's family does not have the restaurant's ownership either. And the glamor husband is never the lover of the owner-wife. The two couples know each other but never co-own the restaurant nor romantically ever associated.

I am the maiden parents equivalent as the restaurant's upstream investor. The BTD and DTA are the hospital equivalent. The seriousness is the money was paid in 2004 but taken from BTD and DTA in 2007.

----August 16th, 2018