
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

08-15-2018 My current lodging situation (我现在的居屋)

08-15-2018 My current lodging situation (我现在的居屋)

I remembered my current residence was reserved on July 1st of 2004, and I am 80% certain the unit I am currently living in is the unit reserved because it fits the discussion that I had participated. I heard the rent was paid on the same day of July 1st of 2004 to HUD and locked in BHA by HUD. I moved-in in February of 2013.(我记得我现在所住的房子是2004年7月1日就预定的,我有八成的把握我现在住的这个套房就是所预定的那套,因为周围环境符合我当时所参与的讨论。我听说这房租在2004年7月1日那天就已经付掉了,并由HUD锁定在其BHA的账户里。我是2013年2月搬入。)

I heard the glamor European Spanish who took the money from BHA in 2007 is the wife of the featured person in the Virginia-Washington Regional Hyatt's bar story in 2003, who was also the 30-years old featured person in the Tokyo Airport's romance story in 1980.(我听说从BHA把钱给拿走的那个漂亮的欧洲西班牙人是做老婆的,丈夫就是2003年维吉尼亚州--华盛顿州交界处的凯悦酒店酒吧故事的那个男主角,和八十年代的东京机场罗曼故事的那个30多岁的男主角是同一个人。)

I heard the female featured in the Tokyo airport romance story currently works for the Chinese Foreign department is possibly the reason the Chinese government is so angry regarding the benefits I received as if all these benefits have ever been from the Chinese government.(我听说东京机场罗曼故事的那个女主角目前是中国政府外交部的工作人员,有可能是中国政府对我享受美国政府福利愤怒至极的原因,我感觉这愤怒的程度就好像我拿到的每一分钱的美国政府福利都是由中国政府在付钱似的。)

I heard that in Boston city, the driving force to evict me from all these government agency's help is the Boston Chinese community, it is rumored all these "I don't give shits to" is organized by the C-Mart supermarkets' owners who are affiliated with the $10,000 per month since 1967 story.(我听说,在波士顿本地闹得天翻地覆,就是要把我从美国政府的福利系统赶出去的组织者就是波士顿的中国城超市的股东们,就是他们是和那个自1967年起每月一万美金寄中国的故事有密切关系的。)

I heard the $10,000 per month story shares the same Spanish investor company with the glamor European Spanish's husband's family story(我听说每月一万元的故事和那个漂亮的欧洲西班牙人的丈夫家里的故事是由同一家西班牙投资公司所投资的。).

I don't know if my food and cash expenses had been paid on July 1st of 2004 as well, and I don't know if all these what I heard could be real, so I have contacted the Authority agencies about my current situation and the pressure I am facing. Yeah, exactly, have I been someone who intends to live on other people's money that deserved to be evicted, or I am just someone who got stuck in a legal situation that needs government agencies' reaching-out help?(我不知道我的食品现金给付是否也在2004年7月1日那天就已经支付,我也不知道我所听到的这些是否都是真实,所以我已经联络相应的美国政府机关提及我现在的情况以及我所面临的压力。是啊,我究竟是一个想赖着花别人的钱,就是应该被从福利机构给赶走的人?还是一个莫名其妙被困在法律事物当中需要美国政府援助的一个人?)

----August 15th, 2018