
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

08-11-2018 I refuse to provide for whoever's ex-marriage partner(我拒绝向别人的前妻前夫支付离婚生活费)

老爸爸:你可以用图书馆的电脑,注册一个电邮地址,只要你觉得在网上发表这个电邮地址很安全,你就可以用这个电邮地址和我联系,我可以申请让你搬来麻州波士顿(Boston) 亨廷頓大道上的(Huntington Avenue)的东北大学(North Eastern University)以及温特沃斯理工学院(Wentworth College)的附近和我同住, 再远一点就是Museum of Fine Arts, Boston( 地址:465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115),波士顿地铁: Orange Line (Ruggles Station),走出这个地铁站收费处之后,你要么下了楼梯就在东北大学里,要么下了楼梯你就不知该往哪走,要么你就走着走着就已经知道我大概住哪里了,就只是哪栋楼了,我住的是公屋(BHA)。


08-11-2018 I refuse to provide for whoever's ex-marriage partner(我拒绝向别人的前妻前夫支付离婚生活费)

Heard this morning's talk sparked confusion about my advice on July 1st of 2004.(听说今天早上的播出内容触发了对我2004年7月1日所建议内容的一些困扰。)
My response:(我的回应:)

On July 1st of 2004, I was making the financial arrangement about my possible biological children from pregnant mothers. I was asked by someone who was having a headache if considering some more children from his current marriage a good idea when he already has some adult children. I was asked what my advice would be as a female polygamist having a male's privilege.

I spoke out of my understanding from a polygamist marriage as a traditional polygamist: "A marriage partner is for life and there should be no legal reason for a divorce". I also understand that biological children from any non-polygamist marriage are all life-long relationships as well, but the marriage partner is purely from the willingness. *An unfaithful marriage female partner in a traditional multi-wives‘ polygamist marriage would face a denounce never a divorce.

Based on my own understanding of the non-polygamist marriage, I said if the future family inheriting is the only concern about more children, why not make the financial arrangement for the younger children at the time when each would be born?

There was someone else asked at this time that he was having the headache of a possible financial settlement for a divorce but he did not do the financial arrangement when his not-same-mother children were born, I said he could just separate children's settlement with the mother's if he would be in the situation to consider such financial arrangement, he would feel much comfortable this way to take very good care of his children who are his blood no matter what his marriage situation would be.

I was not taught but this separating the mother's financial arrangement with the child(ren) has been my family's tradition. My family has been a long history polygamist family that till my grandfather's generation had first-ever one mother's children's family inheriting in 1930 or so. My great grandmother was the first ever dowager of my family who got a very good financial arrangement from my great-grandfather that was the best ever.
(没人教过我这些,但这种把妈妈和孩子们的财务安置分开处理的做法一直都是我家的传统。我家一直都是一妻多夫,直到1930年左右我爷爷那代分家产时才是第一次是由同一个母亲所出的孩子们分家产。我曾祖母是我家历史上第一个从去世丈夫那里收到很好财务安置的dowager贵妇。dowager 贵妇就是指遗孀从她去世丈夫那里收到的头衔及财务安排是可以和去世丈夫的亲生小孩所分到的家产相比的。)

In my family, the tradition has been the wives got lifetime financial arrangements from the dying husband but family inheriting belongs to his biological children only. The wives could have lifetime financial arrangements was because there was no such imagination before 1907 that a wife would be expected to re-marry. And I can totally imagine that possibly there is no divorcee would love to see the divorced partner to move on to a new romance happily by the divorce settlement.

I heard there are a lot of in-marriage partners have been participating in this fight of having a better financial settlement. I don't know if those who talked them into participating in this fight are actually cursing their own marriages because a divorce settlement only exists for a divorced marriage. Their own wealthy marriage partners won't understand their participation in any other way.

I myself is wondering who need to fight this "better divorce settlement" against me or my money? I have been living alone all this time to eligible nobody. Is this fight actually to ask me to pay for whoever's ex-marriage partners? Is it the similar scheme as the intellectual income should be re-assigned to some sexual partners?

I refuse to provide for whoever's ex-marriage partner.

----August 11th, 2018