
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

08-28-2018 Exactly, what are the confusions related to my inheriting on June 30th of 2004?

08-28-2018 Exactly, what are the confusions related to my inheriting on June 30th of 2004?

1: The confusion of how can I expect to own any wealth by announcing so on a public channel or by bilking government? My Answer: This is totally a misunderstanding. 

A lot of public anger associated with how I could possibly fancy I could own O'Connors family-wealth by announcing so on the radio? This is totally a misunderstanding. Let me illustrate it a bit.

There is a property or a company which has been lawfully owned, and there is a manager who has been looking after this property or this company. O'Connors' confusion was that they have been the boss of this manager over almost two centuries, of course, it is because they own this property or this company. My confusion was "but this is the same property or the same company I was told I inherited from my birth Chinese grandfather on my inheriting day".

It turned out that the company has been owned by its British Investor company which has been on its ownership registration-license record since it was established over 400 years ago. The Trust I inherited has been its British investor company's upstream investor.

----August 28th, 2018

2: The confusion that I can't say I have inherited money by stating "I heard of". 
My Answer: This is a misunderstanding. 

I never stated I heard I inherited money. I have been stating I experienced inheriting by going to a law firm to participate teleconferences with identifications and an attorney's accompanying. My statement has been that I participated in the teleconferences at my green card application attorney's office on these three days (which can be verified by the satellite records). I need to reference what I possibly inherited, which are the companies I have stated provided for me since 2015, is because I was inquiring where the paid-out money could possibly be. I stated I heard what I had possibly inherited but not inheriting itself.

----August 28th, 2018

3: The confusion of who knows who was inheriting on June 30th of 2004 when it was so crowded. My answer: This is a misunderstanding.

 Inheriting only relates to what a deceased person's left behind which means the wealth should be lawfully owned by the deceased before the death, lawfully owned after the inheriting, and also cared for during the in-between time by the will-executing attorneys according to the Laws. My Trust-inheriting is much easier because there is no confusion of the legitimate-ownership in-between period.

So, it doesn't matter how many unintended people were presented in a place when someone is inheriting, the deceased person's wealth should be under will-executing attorneys responsibilities to ensure lawful distribution which leads to who lawfully owns what after the inheriting. Will-executing attorneys are the group oversee the wealth-ownership-transition from the deceased to the living according to the Laws during an inheriting, it is impossible to confuse who can inherit what no matter how crowded the inheriting place might be nor how many inheriting happening at the same geographic location at the same time.

All inheriting must associate with a death, a Family-inheriting is always sad because it associates with an inheriting-day-recent death.

Trusting-inheriting is always independent of the time of the deceased settlor's death. All my grandfathers passed away before I was born, so, my inheriting was a happy event.

On July 1st of 2004, I entrusted what I have inherited on June 30th of 2004.

----August 28th, 2018

My inheriting day big $4Billion - $6Billion shopping spray of "what I want" was on July 1st of 2004. *I had a huge panic attack in 2017 on 96.9 FM Boston when I heard for the first time that Rockefellers accused me spent their $4-6 Billion money on July 1st of 2004 because I never contacted anyone of them to ask their money or their permission to spend their money all my life.

----updated on August 30th, 2018

My anger of who is the person confused the sucking-fee with the inherited money?
My anger has been
1: When I was claiming I inherited since June 30th of 2004, it is obviously stating I have money but definitely not a living person's romance-fee, and even if there was someone else inheriting on that same day, the wealth should be under will-executing attorneys managing for lawful ownership transitioning purpose, how could anyone confuse my claim of inherited money with some living persons' family-wealth while knowing their entire family have been healthy living all this time?

2: With the will-executing attorneys overseeing the ownership-transition according to the Laws, how could possibly any lawful ownership be transferred to me if that was not my inheriting or not my inheritable? All those Trusts I have inherited have never been owned by anyone else other than myself since their establishments. What else is the confusion about the ownership of what I have inherited, other than the confusion similar to the confusion item 1?

3: I have been stating I inherited my birth Chinese grandfathers' money and all these companies I referenced have never been owned by those confused males, why all those who got joysticks-sucking-fees deserve to shit me all over? Who is the person doesn't know the difference between the inherited-money and the joystick-sucking-fee?

Why wouldn't I fight back by telling everybody that must be a public men's-toilet if the confidence is " being the most eligible one for the joyStick-sucking-fee as long as there is a joystick."

----August 28th, 2018