
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, August 13, 2018

08-13-2018 Any thought or research can be expressed in a couple of lines if thoughtfully refined,

老爸爸:你可以用图书馆的电脑,注册一个电邮地址,只要你觉得在网上发表这个电邮地址很安全,你就可以用这个电邮地址和我联系,我可以申请让你搬来麻州波士顿(Boston) 亨廷頓大道上的(Huntington Avenue)的东北大学(North Eastern University)以及温特沃斯理工学院(Wentworth College)的附近和我同住, 再远一点就是Museum of Fine Arts, Boston( 地址:465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115),波士顿地铁: Orange Line (Ruggles Station),走出这个地铁站收费处之后,你要么下了楼梯就在东北大学里,要么下了楼梯你就不知该往哪走,要么你就走着走着就已经知道我大概住哪里了,就只是哪栋楼了,我住的是公屋(BHA)。


08-13-2018 Any thought or research can be expressed in a couple of lines if thoughtfully refined, 




Heard this morning's Viagra argument.
My response:

I heard the first one of my intellectual income checks from the Viagra patent was taken by a couple of court police officers after that morning's "I rule" broadcasting. I heard no 911 call was made because another phone number was given as a 911 substitute which was understood as a precinct's direct line, I heard this was the reason why no 911 police officer responded the call.

I was asked what would happen if a 911 call was made? I heard the 911 police officials would ask the court police officials to present the court ruling in-prints. A U.S. judicial court ruling in-prints have the ruling district court and this Viagra check's legal case references for the 911 police officers to verify the lawful validation of the court police officers' check-collecting.

As I said some time ago, the Viagra's company acknowledged my contribution to the Viagra, and I never complained about the reward size and I am very happy with the reward size I have been granted by the Viagra company. So, there has been no such legal case in any district court ever that's regarding the reward of my intellectual contribution to the Viagra. So, if a 911 call was made on the day when the first check was issued, this confusion, if radio program's performing "Judge ruling" broadcasting could possibly be a valid Judge's ruling, would have been clarified already.

I was asked if the reward of my contribution was fairly evaluated because it was only "one line speech". This confusion is definitely ridiculous enough. Any thought or research can be concluded and expressed in a couple of lines of speech or a couple of pages of papers if thoughtfully refined to put into a speech or on papers. A politician's campaign speech possibly have one theme to be expressed clearly in just one word such as "change" in 2008, but it definitely never worth only 6-alphabets as its value.

I was asked how about those who had worked in the lab research or clinical research but did not receive any recognition in the reward format of patent-income reward. Well, all Viagra-research participants have received recognition of their contribution in the reward format of their researchers' salaries, all their hard-working research hours, their efforts and their successes, together with their salary-recognitions they already have received would all have been part of the evaluation for the recognition in the format of the patent-income, theoretically. But I was never part of the Viagra's lab or clinic research efforts, so I don't know anything more than what I had joked about which was I had contributed an increased-portion of reward size to the clinical research team as a team member.

As I joked almost a year ago, if my contribution was evaluated individually, the financial number will be much greater than any researchers who have worked for years because Viagra was just on-market when the contribution-evaluation was conducted. I have helped the company to save a lot of money on research and to make the sales early than expected which would definitely put into an advantageous position in the evaluation. The Viagra company's research team rejected me to be their evaluation-team member was the reason the Viagra company decided to put me into the team-evaluation with the Viagra's clinical research team. That was what I joked about. I have been very happy I had caught the opportunity to contribute to the Viagra. My contribution was made on a June's Sunday in 2004 which was received by the Viagra company on the same day.

----August 13th, 2018

About the confusion of the board of directors room.
My response:

First of all, only a stock-company has a board of directors. Board of directors' room is a room-space which is dedicated to hosting the board of directors' meetings. Board of directors is a group of investors' representatives which should not be grouped on the voluntary basis because the room-space is limited to host a certain amount of people only while a public trading company may have over 5 digits of public investors.

It needs the qualified investor's lawful valid authorization to eligible a person to be a member of the board of directors.

----August 13th, 2018