
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, August 6, 2018

08-06-2018 What is this morning's broadcasting? Oh, a comedy of black jokes (今天早上所播出的都是些什么呀?奥, 也就是一堆的黑色幽默相声啦)

08-06-2018 What is this morning's broadcasting? Oh, a comedy of black jokes (今天早上所播出的都是些什么呀?奥, 也就是一堆的黑色幽默相声啦)

In China, a standup comedy show type that can have one performer's which is called the Single Xiangsheng(单口相声), or more than one performers, called the Crosstalk Xiangsheng(多口相声). The crosstalk Xiangsheng(多口相声)normally grouped by one front talker plus the commenting or contradicting voices to make a show. I assume this crosstalk Xiangsheng(多口相声)is this morning's broadcasting artistic structure. (在中国,相声有两种,单口相声或者多口相声。多口相声一般是有一个讲故事的主寅演员再加几个对故事内容表达不同意见或者进行评论的配寅演员来进行演出。我估计多口相声是今天早上所播出内容的艺术表达形式。)

The U.S citizenship talks: Loud announcing voices and low mild contradicting voices are cousins, the technique is to let the "You won't be a citizen" impression to stay.

Who are they, why legitimate process?
        Oh, they are O'Connors.

Why they are so emotional about your immigration status?
        Oh, my entry visa to the U.S. was a visitor's B1 visa. I was invited to the U.S. by an investment of the "O's confusion" fund company, the same "O's confusion" fund which has been the American investment from the French company which provides the lawful eligibility for me to claim: "I am the French Financier".

The Pardon announced in 2007 on the radio was addressed to the inappropriateness of how I was invited, not that I had a legal immigration case.

So, I am a U.S. citizen has been a True Statement. 

----August 6th, 2018

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony's creator talks: The "she is so annoying" announcement is the purpose of this talk, which is to express how awful I am to alert everyone who doesn't even have any kind of association with me.  I don't need to say a lot to fight against this saying on this blog because this saying is a serious criminal law matter in the United States that may take a trial to clear the public impression, the same seriousness as who is the authentic 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony's creator.

I am the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony's authentic Creator has been a True Statement. (我是2008北京奥运会开幕式闭幕式的创意人一直都是真实陈述。)

I was not "so annoying" to everyone before my Trust-inheriting in 2004 is a True Statement as well. (我在2004年继承信托之前从来没有如此招人讨厌也真实陈述。)

----August 6th, 2018