
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

08-25-2010 My inheriting is never a joke

08-25-2010 My inheriting is never a joke

Heard about the talk of "scheduled to start at 10:30 AM EST on June 30th on 2004"?
My response:

I was called to have a meeting with my green card application attorney in his law firm located on Broad Street in Stamford, CT on June 30th of 2004 at about 9:30AM-10AM. It took me a bit time to take off because I did not remember this appointment at all. That was the meeting started off with "You are not allowed to contact a married U.S. Military officer until his retirement time." I did not remember how long it was but I did remember there was some friendly chat after this "opening note" before I was asked: "Do you wish (want) to be a rich person?" So, I was asked this question definitely after 10:30-11: 00 AM EST on June 30th, 2004.

I took this "Do you want to be a rich person?" as a social conversation, so I answered, "of course". I heard I was asked by a Federal Judge from New York State.

Sometime later, I was asked if I was willing to pay willingness-based voluntary inheriting related taxes which are a federal estate tax and state inheriting tax, I heard recently this was asked by an IRS tax officer and a Connecticut tax officer. I took this so not seriously and answered: "If I don't need to pay a tax, why would I ever pay any tax". I was asked again but I was still not getting the seriousness of taxing, so I said the capital and highlighted "NO" which I knew made the air still at the moment, I changed my mind about paying to inherit related taxes already and I expressed this to my entrusting attorneys already.

----August 25th, 2018

I heard there was a lot of confusion why a Federal Judge presented? and from New York State when I was a Connecticut State resident? 
My response:
First of all, a Federal Judge was presented may be because some Trusts I inherited are from my ancient grandfathers which are so ancient that the Trusts were set up by their wills but after their deaths when a Trust became a lawful item. These Trusts are testamentary trusts which need a probation Judge for inheriting. What I have announced on this blog are all from very ancient birth grandfathers of mine.

Second, Connecticut state, New York state and New Jersey State are a common tripod-states that attorneys often hold multi-states licenses in this area, but I don't know about Federal Judges.

----August 25th, 2018