
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

08-08-2018 Exactly, what are the confusions about Shanghai Investments (究竟有关上海的投资有些什么困扰啊?)

08-08-2018 Exactly, what are the confusions about Shanghai Investments (究竟有关上海的投资有些什么困扰啊?)

Heard there are rumors in Shanghai that if I receive my living expenses providing, somebody dares to forcefully replace a CEO from a Shanghai investment(听说了上海在传说是只要我能拿到生活费用给付,就会有某人敢把某家上海外资企业的总经理给武力置换了).

My response:(我的回应:)

I heard this somebody is not my blood associated and the investment is not from the Hong Kong Trust. I heard my father's sister's marriage issue is one of the confusion(我听说这某人和我没什么血缘关系,这个投资企业也和香港信托没有关系.我听说是我父亲妹妹的婚姻问题造成了这份困扰。)

1: Since 1989, it is well-known that one of my father's sister's children is not from her marriage. And I am ok with that.(从1989年起,很多人就听说了我父亲妹妹的一个小孩可能不是婚生子,而我好像不是很在意。)

Why shouldn't I? I am her maiden brother's child, why shouldn't say such things as "why not try to move on when the child was already 14 years old in 1989?” I heard the couples fought often on the child's possible birth-origin, and I heard my father's sister always emphasized she raised this child by her own money from her maiden father or her own (much higher) salary. Also, it is true that divorce was not an option in China for a marriage in their generation. She got married in her 30s after my grandfather's death, and her husband was not a college-graduated as herself. Why should I take her marriage issue beyond her private matter?


2: I don't have any bias against the children from or not from the marriage.
Why would I? I am their birth mother's maiden brother's child, as long as they both from her belly, why would I have any bias on who is from the marriage?

3: I still missed a link here: I can definitely get my living expenses provided lawfully in the U.S. via the American companies, but how this becomes the eligibility to forcefully replace a CEO in Shanghai investments? These investments are obviously not from the Hong Kong Trust that was set up by my father's father.
(3: 我还是不明白:我是肯定可以在美国合法拿到我自己所继承的信托通过美国公司给付的生活费用的,可是这怎么就成了某人可以把一个外企的总经理给武力置换了的资格啦?这些外企都是很明确肯定不是我父亲的父亲所设立的香港信托所投资的。)

In my family's generational inheriting history, under-age children would each receive a Trust, which was the size of his inheritable share, from the dying father as a family tradition in family-inheriting. It is not unimaginable that some of my grandfathers from different generations would set up an additional Trust as a gift to the unborn-yet-me.(在我们家的继承分家产的家史上,每一代分家产时,未成年的儿子们每人都会收到一个由病危老父亲所设立的信托,所受到信托的大小规模也就是这个儿子所分到的家产份额。所以我有几代的爷爷们再额外设立一个信托作为礼物给还未出生的我并不是什么难以想象的事情。)

Hong Kong Trust as an example, it is obviously well-understood as being part of what my grandfather had been willing to give to my father, because the Hong Kong Trust was set up for me, and I was expected as a girl who would be from my father's line, which means the Hong Kong Trust I received was understood as the part of the heir son's share that my grandfather willing to give to my father. The Hong Kong Trust was set up in 1948, it was 17 years before my grandfather's death in 1965 so that my Trust-inheriting should not be understood as if taking advantage of my father's siblings. It should be the same for all other Trusts I inherited so that my Trust-inheriting should not be understood as if my inheriting means taking advantage of each settler's other offspring's inheritable share.(就以香港信托作为例子,就因为这个信托是为我设立的,而我应该是我父亲的小孩,所以很明显这个信托是我父亲的父亲愿意分给我父亲的财产的一部分。香港信托是1948年设立的,而我父亲的父亲是香港信托设立17年之后的1965年才去世的,所以我继承香港信托不应该被认为是我抢了我父亲弟妹所应该分到的我爷爷的财产。对于我所继承的其他信托来说也是一样,我继承了这个那个信托不应该被理解成我抢了信托设立人的其他子女的可继承份额。)

The generational family inheriting at my father's father's generation was in 1930 which was the first time ever same mother's children family inheriting, this certainly means my Trust-Inheriting in 2004 should not have any confusion at all with all other lines' offspring generationally. The closest generational family inheriting was in 1965, my father's father had his own written letters which were his last wills handed in-person to each of his children who were my father and his siblings. So, my Trust inheriting in 2004 should have no confusion with my father's sibling as well.(我爷爷即我父亲的父亲那一代分家产是在1930年,这是我家有史以来第一次是由同一个妈妈生的孩子们在分家产,这当然是很清楚地表明我2004年继承信托是和我家历史上各房各代的其他所有子女都没有任何关系。我家历史上最近的一次分家产是1965年我爷爷去世时,我父亲的父亲是亲自给了他的每一个子女一份亲笔信也就是我爷爷给了我父亲及我父亲的弟妹每人一份他的亲笔遗嘱。所以,我2004年继承信托也不应该会让我父亲的弟妹们很困绕。)

I had expressed myself the reason why I was willing to gift to my grandfather's siblings was that if my father was not being "skipped" but inherited Hong Kong Trust, he would willing to gift to his uncle and his aunt, the same to his siblings. So, I do the gifting for my father. (我从2004年就一直有说,我愿意送礼物给我爷爷的弟妹是因为如果是我父亲继承了香港信托,而不是被“绕过去了”,我父亲是会愿意送给他的叔叔娘娘一份和他自己弟妹一样大小规模的礼物的。所以,我就替我父亲送了这个礼物了。)

----August 8th, 2018