
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, March 31, 2018

03-31-2018 Pass down the Family Wealth ----The Husband's Financial Support to All His Wives & The Father's Love to All His Children(分家产的时候----是丈夫在提供对他所有妻子的财务保障,同时也是父亲在表达对他所有孩子的爱)


我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。

03-31-2018 Pass down the Family Wealth ----The Husband's Financial Support to All His Wives & The Father's Love to All His Children(分家产的时候----是丈夫在提供对他所有妻子的财务保障,同时也是父亲在表达对他所有孩子的爱)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting of the family story (中文附后)
My response: That is what I heard of too.

Every generation is similar to this. At the time when the Senior was about to go, the dying Senior would call in family accountants (账房先生)to make the financial arrangement. My family has been long history polygamist family, the dying Senior knew multiple wives with clustered children would mean big fights if he did not make financial arrangement before the time he had to leave. So, the family wealth inheriting has always been done by each generation's dying Senior himself, the proof is there hasn't been any family story about this kind fights happened in any generation.

I certainly would believe the dying Senior would allocate enough money for each of his wives to financially support his wife for the life. I certainly would believe he would allocate enough money to raise all his children from each of his wives, he would allocate some father's love to bless every one of his young daughters' marriage, and a son's share for each of all his sons. This morning's story was about how the dying Senior protected his younger son's share by setting up a Trust for the younger son. I can certainly believe this is the same father's love in every generation. None of my grandmothers had remarried.

My family has been long historically rich, and there has been a family tradition (祖制) of how to decide a son's share and an heir son's share. Every generation's dying Senior had been advised to follow the tradition to avoid too many arguments and I would assume every generation's dying Senior would have no problem to follow the family tradition to shower the father's love to all his children.

I heard this morning's broadcasting also mentioned I had been "the extra son" of each generation caused a lot of agitation that my share is from the dying Senior's other sons allot at the time when each son's share was decided. I doubted my share eat into theirs because even my grandmother (the Senior's wife) would fancy doing that but my family's tradition (祖制) is not what my grandmother could disregard or ignore, plus the dying Senior would not think that would be necessary.

The first grandfather who blessed me was an ancient Emperor grandfather of 1200 years ago, what he decided how to calculate my share has been the family tradition (祖制) for my other grandfathers to follow. This grandfather was a very rich and well-beloved Emperor when he passed away, so I think he must have made a very appropriate family tradition. What I mean is when he decided the total share for all his non-heir sons, he decided the appropriate share size with me in his mind as an extra son already. If the non-heir sons' total share has been allocated by percentage, I would be more or less blessed by the Senior of each generation according to how many sons that dying Senior fathered from how many wives.

1: The trusts my grandfathers set up for me before I was born are the loves showed me from my grandfathers that no one can take away.

2: The shares I got never eats-in other non-heir sons' share in any generation.

3: In 2004, I was asked to make inheriting arrangement.  That discussion was never an arrangement because I was(am) not a dying person as well as there was no such biological child(ren) from me who need to have such arrangement. The Chinese who asked to have arrangement never have associated with me romantically or biologically. This Chinese was the same person who "predicted" that my father "can only live a year" if I dare to reunite with my father, this Chinese was the same person who suggested it was necessary for me to be a homeless on that same day in 2004. It was rumored that he had been the person who monitored me when I was in China as a Chinese secret service.

4: It is nothing surprising ever since 2015 when it has been so public that my grandfather's decision to stay in the People's Republic of China may have made him, me and my father the objects being monitored which certainly means my family was never welcomed in the People's Republic of China. If this is the truth, well, it is the truth I have no reason not to publicly point this out. It is the fact that I am the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor (唐太宗李世民 )by blood, I left the People's Republic of China in 1996 and I am a U.S. citizen now. 

----March 31st, 2018











5: 我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。


Thursday, March 29, 2018

03-29-2018 "this company is 100% owned by a British Company"

I am a registered online MBA student, and I appreciate this morning's broadcasting of truthful report to reflect my current life focus which is my health and fulfilling my longtime dream of being an MBA student. Other than my wish to be reunited with my family as soon as possible, I am happy with where I am now. I just wish my school and the cohort team won't be harassed till pissed off.

*I have arranged the same great health care for my parents on July 1st of 2004 is the reason there are tons of rumors about my parents. The medical health arrangements include general care on anxiety and on malnutrition, etc. which certainly means my parents' anxieties over housing and food providing have been covered together with other anxieties over unknowns or uncertainties. I do not know my mother's story yet, but the broadcasted "cremated story" was not her story.

---- March 30th, 2018

03-29-2018 "this company is 100% owned by a British Company"

Heard confusion of  "this company is 100% owned by a British Company", exactly what this means?.
My response:

It means the CEO of this company can't issue any stock or Initial Publis Offering (IPO).
It means this company never had an Initial Public Offering (IPO).
It means nobody can demand any dividend from this company.

It means this company only has the British company as its one and only owner (Aka investor).
It means this company is never a publicly listed company (Aka stockholders' company).
It means there is no stock share (common or preferred) has ever been issued by this company.
It means no stock share of this company can be publicly or privately tradeable in any market.
It means no stock share of this company at all.

It means only the British company's investor (Aka owner) can be this company's investor (Aka owner).
It means no individual patron nor any private family can be the owner (Aka Investor) of this company.
It means nobody can demand any providing from this company.

----March 29th, 2018

How about my providing from this company?
My response: I have explained that my providing is paid by my trust who is the Organizational Investor of the British company.

Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018

----March 29th, 2018







Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

03-28-2017 Cheung Kong Holdings is not Hong Kong Chung(长江实业不是香港长实)

03-28-2017 Cheung Kong Holdings is not Hong Kong Chung(长江实业不是香港长实)

Heard this morning's anger of Hong Kong Chung.
My response: My sincere apology. The company my Hong Kong trust has been investing is the parent company of Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业), not the Hong Kong Chung(长实公司). The $500 Million check that lady account payable specialist signed in 2004 was from Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业).

Cheung Kong Holdings is now a restructured public trading company has a new name Cheung Kong Group.
 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheung_Kong_Holdings )

I used abbreviated Chinese name's(长实) English translation caused this confusion. So sorry I have not visited Hong Kong yet.

The Hong Kong Trust was set up by Zhiren Fang(方智仁). I am the sole beneficiary person "Female Palm" of this Hong Kong trust according to Zhiren Fang's(方智仁) will.

----March 28th, 2018


https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%95%B7%E6%B1%9F%E5%AF%A6%E6%A5%AD )




Monday, March 26, 2018

03-26-2018 All about that $500 Million ---- Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业) never did money laundry (都是有关五亿美金的--长江实业从未涉入任何洗钱行为)

03-26-2018 All about that $500 Million ---- Cheung Kong Holdings(长江实业) never did money laundry (都是有关五亿美金的--长江实业从未涉入任何洗钱行为)

Heard this morning's talk about HongKong's $500 Million.(中文附后)
My response: I heard the accountant wrote the check from Hong Kong Cheung (香港长实) company's operating account instead of my Hongkong Trust's capital account in the company caused money laundry confusion.

That is the reason there were arguments you heard on the radio about the money should be from the piles after-registry-closed. The piles after-registry-closed mean the money is the profiting from the business operation.

Operating account means the money in business operation which is the money in the registry. Capital account means the investor's profiting share which is the piles after-registry-closed.

So, what the accountant stated this morning was that she had signed that $500Million check upon my Hong Kong Trust's request from the registry instead of the piles after-registry-closed.

I assume she must have expected that would be a very high return investment opportunity to miss for the company. Well, you heard the argument from Mr. Walton to clarify that is the unlikely situation. And the legal documentation prepared by my Hong Kong Trust made a verify appropriate specification which was "to invest this $500 Million at an average yield".

I heard this $500Million had been adjusted to the capital account is the reason Mr. Walton cannot return this money back to the company. *The $500Million was owned lawfully by my Hong Kong Trust in its capital account after the accounting adjustment and transferred to the United States afterward,  this $500Million should be given to me as the transferring legal documentation specified.

Conclusion: Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业) never did money laundry.

The reason I requested this $500Million from my Hong Kong Trust to the United States was that all the hostilities I felt regarding how I did my inheriting day shopping spree. I did not know that shopping spree was either understood "the female butts money I was demanding" or understood "the female butts money I was given". But I felt the pressure of pushing me to reveal the account numbers with the saving amount to prove that I do have some money, and I wanted to gift some to my father-side relatives as part of my inheriting shopping spree, so I asked Hong Kong Trust to transfer some money to the United States to invest that everyone know I do have the money I inherited and that is it. And I told my father-side relatives I would gift them ¥500Million RMB when I go home.

I had no intention to reveal my private savings in any way, that includes this Hong Kong Trust. But the pressure I felt was from the China community or the Chinese government was the reason I requested this money to be transferred from the Chinese run Hong Kong Trust.

I heard in that legal documentation accompanied with the $500 Million transfer from Hong Kong, it is specified that Mr. Walton should give the $500 Million with the investment return to me. And that is the legal issue that I have with Mr. Walton after he announced his giving of $700 Million to Albert Gore on the radio.

I have to clarify that Mr. Walton does have a lot of his own money to spend, but Mr. Walton is not the authorized and/or privileged person to spend my money.

I heard rumors that my father-side relatives only willing to let Albert Gore or his representative(s) handle my gift-giving related matter. Well, if this rumor* is true, I would need legal documentation of their willingness, and I understand that is their free wishes to reject my gifting.

On July 1st of 2004 when that money-pool was announced, I made myself very clear that I would not take any money from the money-pool of other people's donation-deposit and I would not put a penny (or more) into that money-pool as well. I have called laws help on legal issues related to this money-pool.

Albert Gore was never the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.
Albert Gore is not the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.
Albert Gore will never be the authorized and/or privileged person to receive money on my behave.

* The rumor I heard is Mr. Walton would not give me that $500Million with its investment return, Albert Gore willing give $400Million to my father-side relatives from the $700Million he had received from Mr. Walton on the same day Mr. Walton announced on the radio. So, he can keep a $300Million. I reject this unauthorized arrangement of my money of the $500Million transferred from Hong Kong together with its investment return. I called law enforcement's help.

----March 26th, 2018













在2004年7月1日宣布那个蓄钱池的时候,我就已经明确表态我不会从这个蓄钱池里拿别人捐得一分钱,也不会往这个蓄钱池里放一分(或更多) 钱。我已经就我的一些智慧产权收入被存入这个蓄钱池里被瓜分的传言报警处理。




Sunday, March 25, 2018

03-25-2018 Hong Kong is not money laundry and Where is the comfortableness come from? ( 香港从来没有洗过钱以及哪来的这份理所应当啊?)

03-25-2018 Hong Kong is not money laundry and Where is the comfortableness come from? ( 香港从来没有洗过钱以及哪来的这份理所应当啊?)

Heard confusion about Hongkong's $500 Million(中文附后).
My response: I heard HongKong investment's management called Hongkong police on July 2nd of 2004 about the possible money laundry regarding my request to transfer this $500Million to the United States on July 1st of 2004.

What I heard is it has already been verified that Hongkong investment's management had transferred this $500Million to the United States as I requested, around July 10th of 2004 or so, after Hongkong law enforcement clarified the money laundry confusion. American Mr. Walton had already verified he had received this $500Million in July of 2004 and he had invested this $500 Million according to what was specified in the legal documentation that accompanied with this money transfer.

My trust was set up as an entity which means the capitals from the trust was the investment instead of a loan.

The conclusionMy request to transfer $500Million from the Hong Kong trust I inherited to the United States was never a money laundry.

----March 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about why the comfortableness to make claims when there's no ground(中文附后).
My response: Let me share some of my frustration and some rumors I heard of to help everyone to analyze why.

I had met that three notorious Chinese guys in 1988, 1989 and 1991, just met once each (two in-person) and that is it. All three were in a 1989's meeting when I was a college student in Shanghai that all three had heard I have huge wealth to inherit abroad, all three had moved on with their own life after that "met incidence", but they all have developed this comfortableness of being the master of me. In 2004, they played this same trick, and you already heard this comfortableness on the radio so loudly.

I recently heard my father's college romance story was similar. I heard my father invited his college girlfriend to visit his family in Shanghai around 1960, and my grandfather treated her well. I heard she can't forget the luxury places (of that time) she had chances to go to even after all these years. Well, after all these unforgettable experiences, she left my father and married someone else in Beijing very easily after just a year of her college graduation. And I heard after she became the mother of three children who all have nothing to do with my father biologically, she took my mother's wedding gift sent by my grandfather's friends so comfortably and kept declaring she got that was because she is the "true love" of my father. I heard her children are now demanding to have a share of my inherited wealth because they are the true beloved of their mother who is the "true love" of my father.

On the radio, you must have heard so many denouncing statements with a master's tone just because "met in a 2004's meeting and there was a matrimony discussion in the meeting" incidence. And they all deserve to have a saying over my lawful wealth, it is obviously not just saying over my wealth but the decision power.

Who empowered them? Who is in what position to empower them? How can they be empowered over my finance without their own access to it? Obviously, the person or the group who has been empowering them has no valid access to my lawfully inherited lawful wealth.

How about my grandfather's wealth? My father did not get a penny from my grandfather when my grandfather passed away in 1965, and there are tons of rumors about that. One of the rumor is that that college ex-girlfriend in Beijing had received my father's share. If this rumor is true, I doubted that giving was from my grandfather because my grandfather should have known that my father did not visit Beijing at each time when she was conceived of her children as a married woman since 1961.

The Chinese government has this strong argument how could I possibly have inheritable if I grew up no money in China. Well, if you heard my mother did not receive any wedding gifts from my father's siblings or my grandfather's friends, and only used one (switched from the new by her eldest sister) from her maiden family, why you think I could possibly receive anything from abroad? Till now, my family has not heard what else has been taken so comfortably or by whom other than the foreign-made-watch taken by that ex-girlfriend from Beijing.

Exactly, who is the person supporting all these ridiculous unlawful confusion to have this comfortableness to trigger all these impacted such anger?

----March 25th, 2018







我是在1988,1989 和1991年认识了那三个臭名昭著的中国名流男子,每个人都是只交往过一次(就是认识的那一次),只见过其中两个,仅此而已。三个都参加了1989年的全国高校会议,我当时是上海一所大学的学生,三个也都在那次会上听说了我会有大笔在海外的钱可以继承,三个也都是在认识我之后都活的各自各精彩都有他们自己的私人生活,但都有一种他们已经是我的主子的态度。2004年,他们好像玩的是同一种手法,你们现在也都在广播里听到这份理所应当的态度了。








Saturday, March 24, 2018

03-24-2018 Early investment is very important

03-24-2018 Early investment is very important

Heard this morning's talk about my girl's skincare annoyed a lot of girls' mothers.
My response: My skin-caring for my girl is because I was a girl. I want my girl to have what I did not have at her age.

I am a medical college pharmacology major graduated that I always pay attention to health professionals' advise. Skin-care professionals are skin healthcare professionals. The advice I listen to is advice given to mothers of girls, not riches. And I did not discuss how expensive it has to be to make my skin-care wish for my girl effective.

I am sorry to my son that I am a girl and I don't know what can be beneficial to a boy for his lifetime if special attention paid at his early ages, other than regular attentions have paid on health and interests-developing to both of them.

Another thing I know paying attention to at early time makes a huge difference in a child's life is the Education saving advise from financial professionals.

If the parents can jointly save $500/month between the time after the child was born and before entering elementary school, and find an educational account that has the yield of 5%, only 4 years saving like this can make $40,000 for the child's college education.

----March, 24th, 2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018

03-22-2018 Let your disgusting whore wives read this aloud to ease your concerns of me stuck-on you :"David Petraeus, E. Ford, James Walton, you are psychos, you are pigs, you are the disgusting unwanted leftover human waste"

03-22-2018  Let your disgusting whore wives read this aloud to ease your concerns of me stuck-on you: "David Petraeus, E. Ford, James Walton, you are psychos, you are pigs, you are the disgusting unwanted leftover human waste"

Heard this morning's talk about why I still think I have money after I been publicly loudly denounced.
My response: That is my anger about who is the prostituting party in this argument. 

Why "no marriage has been verified" by the same group of people after intentionally and illegally "set up" all those efforts of announcing children identifiable on a public channel radio, knowing "no marriage means no child at all" was said loudly on July 1st in 2004, is this just to trash those children as "never wanted or never should exist children", how can this be publicly supported as freedom of speech? Isn't this child abuse?

Are these efforts to say that "No marriage means no maiden family" is to deny my lawful inheriting of my trusts that set up for me by my own maiden birth grandfathers?

----March 22nd, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about how dare I can insult a wife knowing that is a woman who has a husband.
My response: Is that means any single woman deserves to be smashed as long as that is done by a female who has a stick gets into her body, even if the issue is purely initiated from that stick-in female's efforts of performing a criminal law defined crime publicly?

----March 22nd, 2018

For those agitation caused by the anger that I could get into fights with this or that person's wife is only because I intend to stuck-on to the husband.
My response: I have to ask why I need to? Does not matter if you are convinced that I have factual inheritances or not, you must have convinced that I truly believe I have my own inheritances. Because of the famous fights that I got into with O'Connors' family, you must have convinced that I truly believed my inheritances were not from my underwear department because that Fund was never owned by any Rockefeller, or any Ford, or any Walton.

Why you are so convinced that I need to fight over this or that Old knowing I am, at least, the same rich? That Fund I got into fights with O'Connors is owned by the British East India Company Financier, this is already obvious that I am wealthier than all that three big names I had met, why I need to stuck-on them to cause such anxiety from their pig-fuckable wives? If these males are not pig alike, why would they ever fancy I would ever want any human wife's left-over?

it seems it is the efforts from their psycho psychologist, this non-stop harassment on public radio and in my glass house cancer session, that I need to acknowledge they are married now no matter how clearly I have made myself on this web blog, so I have to say this aloud on my web blog this way to tell everybody this is sexual harassment from organized criminals whence you read this necessary & must announcement in this one-and-only possibly understandable way as following:

It seems there is no other way your disgusting pig-fuckable wife can realize you are such a trash leftover to me, so I say this aloud to let you hear this clearly:

David Petraeus, you are a psycho, you are a pig, you are the disgusting unwanted leftover human waste. Don't ever fancy your disgusting finger can ever touch me. Don't ever fancy your disgusting whore wife can touch my money.

E. Ford (Charles Ford/Charles Schnieberg ), you are a psycho, you are a pig, you are the disgusting unwanted leftover human waste. Don't ever fancy your disgusting finger can ever touch me. Don't ever fancy your disgusting whore wife can touch my money.

James Walton, you are a psycho, you are a pig, you are the disgusting unwanted leftover human waste. Don't ever fancy your disgusting finger can ever touch me. Don't ever fancy your disgusting whore wife can touch my money.

Why not a young and handsome male for myself just for the sake of wealth I can share with? Isn't that make you so convinced that is the reason this or that rich name deserves a young female? why not a young male for myself just because I am the same rich? Why being the same rich, I need to stuck on their old and malfunction-possible agitations? isn't this is your points of anger about oldness this entire time? why would you assume that I would need oldness for no money reason at all?

----March 22nd, 2018

I know I am protected by laws, and I know my freedom of speech is protected by laws as well.

----March 22nd, 2018

I heard this morning's talk about my five fingers.
My response: Following is what I said:

I heard there are some confusion regarding if I indeed have inherited money and why so many people who were informed to attain the meeting are not having any inheritance at all. I heard the confusion is so severe that Chinese government assumed I was paid to swear a lot about Chinese government since 2015.

I remembered it was either on June 30th or July 1st of 2004, I was happy telling everyone I had inherited my grandfathers' blessing. I did not know what I inherited, and I did not know which grandfather. I started to count my fingers to calculate how many greats needed to be the prefix to address the grandfather who had given me such handsome inheritances when I was asked which grandfather I inherited from. I remembered I was interrupted before I figured which one when I counted number 5, and I was asked if that is enough number already, I said possibly not (because the fund is indeed very good sized), I was told someone already announced no romance at all with me but I did not pay attention to since I was still trying to calculate. But somehow, Chinese government figured the inheritances I was talking about was actually meant that I got some "female butts" money.

Also, I heard some Chinese diplomats had contacted a lot of people to have some money from the meeting after that incident. Only one of those was my first cousin who is mothered by my father's sister. I heard a lot of them are very angry that they were informed to attain the meeting, why there is no money for them at all. I have to clarify I did not have any butts’ money and I have no money for them.

----March 22nd, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

03-20-2018 Two different Accounts & Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(两个账本&我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

03-20-2018 Two different Accounts & Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(两个账本&我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

Heard the arguments about why I echo R's claim on romance but reject Pejoves' saying of my money.
My response: The difference is who has the ownership or privilege or authority to announce what.

Any R does have the authority and privilege in his own private compartment.
A Jessica Pejoves recruited actressing "law enforcement" does not have the authority to state anything about my lawful money or may lawful blood association.

I heard this morning's arguing parties were some O'Connors and some Pejoves. Only one line "Min Fang has her money in the United States" was said by the law enforcement who is investigating my case.

The entire time, it has been these O'Connors and these Pejoves arguing if I possibly truly have any biological children.

I assumed the reason that these Pejoves and these O'Connor kept trying to have sayings over my matter is that my yearly providing ($400 Million medical and rumored $400 Million living ) was misunderstood as the increase of their agreed-upon providing.

Their agreed-upon providing is part of local American companies' expense which is deducted from the local American companies' yearly earnings before the local American companies paying their American business tax.

My yearly providing is paid from the business profit of the local American companies that needed to be handed-in to their British parent companies. The business profit is the remaining of local American companies' yearly earnings after local American companies paid their American business tax.

My yearly providing has nothing to do with their agreed-upon providing. My yearly providing cannot be confused with their agreed-upon providing.

----March 20th, 2018

Two different Accounts
My response: I got into the fight with O'Connors about who owns that American Fund. If my providing has not been taken by some O'Connors as rumored, I have no reason to get into this fight. The rumored providing paid for my living cost in 2016 was paid expense from its British parent fund's (owner's) equity account as instructed by its British parent fund. Theirs is from local American Fund's operating expense.
----February 8th, 2018

This American Fund's British Parent Fund is owned by the same French Fund that owns the British East India Company Financier.
----February 11th, 2018

This above accounts issue is also the issue between some Pejoves names in the U.S with me by rumor. In the U.S, my providing and theirs providing both deducted from local American Fund's parent British Fund's capital account. But in Britain, my providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund so that my providing is deducted from the British Fund's parent French Fund's Capital Account, and theirs is deducted from the local British Fund's operating expense accounts.

Conclusion: Their providing is paid by the British Fund, My providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund. Nothing to do with each other.

Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018

Heard there is a French name now that is so confusing to his girlfriend for the similar speculation.
My response: I am on that French Fund's Spanish Investor's spending account. I have nothing to do with the French young and handsome who I have not heard of yet or met in person yet.

A lot of people are speculating how long it will take the deserved to have some money group to discover a confused girlfriend of a Spanish name to miserable everybody.

----March 17th, 2018

Albert Gore has nothing to do with me for him to say anything on my any matter. And I refuse to let Albert Gore have any saying over my any matter. Please contact 911 police if he insists on you to listen to his saying about my matter which certainly would put you into legal troubles, or call his psychiatrist daughter or any psychiatrist about his severe illusion that he can have any saying over my any matter. He is probably having some sever psychiatry medical situation called Delusional disorder if he indeed just won't stop insisting on having saying over not-his-to-say my any matter, please call 911 or the psychiatrist daughter who will certainly help Albert Gore. 

----February 1st, 2018

Rumored the reason I should not be acknowledged as the Creator of Beijing Olympic Opening is that if FBI did not record, then my creative ideas won't be produced.
My response: This is a true statement that obviously and definitely would results in Beijing Olympic Game opening would never be presented as it was.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening is what it was is because that is produced by my creative ideas. The creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening is Min Fang is a matter of fact that no decent lawful person can deny, not to mention those claimed talented enough to lead a Nation. The opportunity to lead a Nation to serve the people is not the same meaning of being the driving force to violate laws to rob the people. I am an individual and this is my individual case but I won't be the only individual as part of the people's definition that being robbed if government official position means the power to perform the robbery to the people.

-----February 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Chinese Premier's Sovereign talk regarding the trust my birth grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong.
My response: Even according to People's Republic of China's laws, the matter is a private wealth inheriting matter, why it becomes such a Chinese Sovereign issue? Is this imply that current administration of Chinese government is the government that "sharing one wife already that so should share everybody's wealth as well"?

I do not have any association including no sexual association with this administration of China's sharing one wife government.
I refuse my lawful private wealth to be "shared".

I make my comment about this administration of the People's Republic of China's government according to their own logic. They swear my name in order to own my lawful private wealth illegally, I shit their names in order to protect my own lawful private wealth.

I am a such famous "fake talented" because my intellectual income deserved to be owned by whoever wants some easy money, I am such a famous unwanted "female" because my providing from my own birth grandfathers' blessing deserved to be understood as "some rich man's donation" that should be owned by whoever has a used female underwear.

I am sick of the shouts "As long as I am the one still in his bed and mother his child(ren), I won't be the one who is afraid".

I have no need to shout now but to make myself clear "as long as I have the same size and same quality level of attorney service as that him, why I need to be afraid? I send you both to the laws."


我的回应: 即使是按照中华人民共和国的法律,我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托也是非常明确的私人财产继承事宜,为什么就变成了这一届中国政府的主权之争?这是在说这一届的中国共产党政府是个“既然已经共了一个妻当然应该共所有人的产”的政府吗?”

我1996年离开中国时的中国共产党政府没有共妻,我也没觉着当时的政府想共我的产。 我现在已经是美国公民,我和中国习近平李克强共妻政府的任何官员都没有任何因公因私关系或者性关系。















Saturday, March 17, 2018

03-17-2018 Two different Accounts & Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(两个账本&我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

03-17-2018 Two different Accounts & Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(两个账本&我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

Heard this morning's an adult R's birth father's(Mr. R Sr) announcement that I was never an R's woman. (中文附后)
My response: True Statement.

Two different Accounts
My response: I got into the fight with O'Connors about who owns that American Fund. If my providing has not been taken by some O'Connors as rumored, I have no reason to get into this fight. The rumored providing paid for my living cost in 2016 was paid expense from its British parent fund's (owner's) equity account as instructed by its British parent fund. Theirs is from local American Fund's operating expense.
----February 8th, 2018

This American Fund's British Parent Fund is owned by the same French Fund that owns the British East India Company Financier.
----February 11th, 2018

This above accounts issue is also the issue between some Pejoves names in the U.S with me by rumor. In the U.S, my providing and theirs providing both deducted from local American Fund's parent British Fund's capital account. But in Britain, my providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund so that my providing is deducted from the British Fund's parent French Fund's Capital Account, and theirs is deducted from the local British Fund's operating expense accounts.

Conclusion: Their providing is paid by the British Fund, My providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund. Nothing to do with each other.

Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018

Heard there is a French name now that is so confusing to his girlfriend for the similar speculation.
My response: I am on that French Fund's Spanish Investor's spending account. I have nothing to do with the French young and handsome who I have not heard of yet or met in person yet.

A lot of people are speculating how long it will take the deserved to have some money group to discover a confused girlfriend of a Spanish name to miserable everybody.

----March 17th, 2018

Albert Gore has nothing to do with me for him to say anything on my any matter. And I refuse to let Albert Gore have any saying over my any matter. Please contact 911 police if he insists on you to listen to his saying about my matter which certainly would put you into legal troubles, or call his psychiatrist daughter or any psychiatrist about his severe illusion that he can have any saying over my any matter. He is probably having some sever psychiatry medical situation called Delusional disorder if he indeed just won't stop insisting on having saying over not-his-to-say my any matter, please call 911 or the psychiatrist daughter who will certainly help Albert Gore. 

----February 1st, 2018

Rumored the reason I should not be acknowledged as the Creator of Beijing Olympic Opening is that if FBI did not record, then my creative ideas won't be produced.
My response: This is a true statement that obviously and definitely would results in Beijing Olympic Game opening would never be presented as it was.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening is what it was is because that is produced by my creative ideas. The creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening is Min Fang is a matter of fact that no decent lawful person can deny, not to mention those claimed talented enough to lead a Nation. The opportunity to lead a Nation to serve the people is not the same meaning of being the driving force to violate laws to rob the people. I am an individual and this is my individual case but I won't be the only individual as part of the people's definition that being robbed if government official position means the power to perform the robbery to the people.

-----February 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Chinese Premier's Sovereign talk regarding the trust my birth grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong.
My response: Even according to People's Republic of China's laws, the matter is a private wealth inheriting matter, why it becomes such a Chinese Sovereign issue? Is this imply that current administration of Chinese government is the government that "sharing one wife already that so should share everybody's wealth as well"?

I do not have any association including no sexual association with this administration of China's sharing one wife government.
I refuse my lawful private wealth to be "shared".

I make my comment about this administration of the People's Republic of China's government according to their own logic. They swear my name in order to own my lawful private wealth illegally, I shit their names in order to protect my own lawful private wealth.

I am a such famous "fake talented" because my intellectual income deserved to be owned by whoever wants some easy money, I am such a famous unwanted "female" because my providing from my own birth grandfathers' blessing deserved to be understood as "some rich man's donation" that should be owned by whoever has a used female underwear.

I am sick of the shouts "As long as I am the one still in his bed and mother his child(ren), I won't be the one who is afraid".

I have no need to shout now but to make myself clear "as long as I have the same size and same quality level of attorney service as that him, why I need to be afraid? I send you both to the laws."


我的回应: 即使是按照中华人民共和国的法律,我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托也是非常明确的私人财产继承事宜,为什么就变成了这一届中国政府的主权之争?这是在说这一届的中国共产党政府是个“既然已经共了一个妻当然应该共所有人的产”的政府吗?”

我1996年离开中国时的中国共产党政府没有共妻,我也没觉着当时的政府想共我的产。 我现在已经是美国公民,我和中国习近平李克强共妻政府的任何官员都没有任何因公因私关系或者性关系。















Friday, March 16, 2018

03-16-2018 What are the frustrations? (到底吵的是什么呀?)

03-16-2018 What are the frustrations? (到底吵的是什么呀?)

Heard this morning's talk about my SSI
My response:My providing through Social Security system was requested and agreed-upon on July 1st of 2004 in concern of issues that often happen when a private wealthy is under-entrusting. The Social Security Administration's office that granted this approval of my providing request which is the same office that has also received my providing-payments from my trusts, is the office that supervises the Social Security Welfare office which includes the SSI office.

I do not know the criteria for approving this type of request. I know the concerns of entrusting wealth related can be helped by food stamps and housing projects to ease pressures of working for food while entrusted-wealth can afford all these expenses.

----March 16th, 2018

Heard saying "It is only the government's Justice Department says this or that is my lawful money."
My response: Not only the government's Justice Department who represents the United States laws stating this or that is my lawful money but also the money-paying companies testified that the paid-out money is for my lawful exclusive usage according to their acknowledged & known lawful money-owners' lawful instructions.

----March 16th, 2018

I am asked, "if someone deserved to be poor is the reason I refuse to give out money".
My response: My answer to the question if that person deserved to be poor depends on if I am swearing about that person or not.

But the reason I refuse to give out my own money is that I do not owe that person any money.

And I think if that person in need of help, charities and the government's welfare agency are the places that have the standard to decide if that is a person in poverty.

----March 16th, 2018

I am asked, "if someone is willing to reach out to help people in needs, why it has to be this someone's  own money?"
My response: I think it may not need to be this someone's own money ---

If this someone is hired by a charity or the government's welfare agency, but this someone has to follow the standard that is defined by the charity or the government agency this someone works for because the funding is not from this someone's own money.

Or if this someone is authorized to represent the owner who lawfully owns the money on this giving-out money matter. This someone has to follow the conditions that decided by the lawful owner of the money on this giving-out money matter as well.

I am saying it is by laws that only this someone's own money can be given out as this someone's own free-wish.

----March 16, 2018












Thursday, March 15, 2018

03-15-2018 Great Music or Impossibly Perfect Sound of Music

03-15-2018 Great Music or Impossibly Perfect Sound of Music

Heard of a lot of anger regarding if I know anything about music.
My response: The accurate saying should be I know what can be the impossible music called "sound of perfection"
I graduated from a medical college, a pharmacology major with 3-years Basic Medial System(BMS) education. That medical college I enrolled was established by my 3-generations grandfathers' donation may be the reason that I had this great opportunity to learn medical as I had so wished but not "the opportunities" to work in a messy and busy state-run public hospital.

But I learned human's muscle, neuron, vocal system that I know what the possible restrictions or limits of perfect human vocals might be.

I had worked as a research and development computer programmer in a company that my own inheritance may have invested that I had this great opportunity to work on great projects without performance reporting issue or project's budgeted time running-out concerns. But we did finish our project in only 4 years’ time.

I was a kernel operating system security programmer that on a login replacement project. One of the approaches I had tried was to load a logged-on user's profile as a remote object because I did not think using a cached password could make the login replacement project a good project.

In order to correctly load a network user's profile remotely, I looked into almost all aspects of how to map a user's profile to the far pointers including a logged-on user's default sound and image settings.

This work experience made me learned a lot about sound & images recording and handling technology that I have some very good concept of what would be "a perfect sound" theoretically.

Plus, I did have a high-school music teacher who was an old-colleague to my mother and taught me some basic piano-playing that I know what makes some sound a music song. And I do enjoy singing a lot and I do have some sing techniques I have developed myself. And I do have the ears I inherited from my ancient Emperor & famous composer grandfather (作曲家爷爷唐玄宗李隆基).

With all these together, I am a very picky vocal lover who knows the value if a singer can sing the impossible "song of perfection", and I am a picky music lover who knows the value of the perfect sound-mix.

This was actually what I had contributed to the conversation that had agonized so many musicians on July 1st of 2004.

----March 15th, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

03-14-2018 About Strategic Vision and Strategic Mission

03-14-2018 About Strategic Vision and Strategic Mission

"We provide - directly and through partnerships with other innovative companies - hardware, software, consumables and services to customers in graphic arts, commercial print, publishing, packaging, electronic displays, entertainment and commercial films, and consumer products markets." 

----Kodak's Vision Statement

My understandingI think Vision and Mission should be in line with the company's Longterm development objectives and should be adjusted according to internal and external environmental changes.

I think Kodak's mission statement is from their understanding of what their possible Markets are in the digital era. Kodak now has the digital camera & display products together with their original advantages in graphics printing, publishing, and filming, etc.

----March 14th, 2018

" We will use leading-edge, proprietary technologies to provide top-quality products and services that contribute to the advancement of culture, science, technology and industry, as well as improved health and environmental protection in society. Our overarching aim is to help enhance the quality of life of people worldwide." 

----Fuji's Mission Statement

My understanding: Vision and mission are formed based on information gathered from the internal and external analysis.

The Information is the ground to form the Vision of how the company is doing in an industry or in an economy as well as where the company's position is in the ever-changing environment.

The analyzing of the information is the foundation to form the Mission of what the company wants to become.

----March 14th, 2018

Image Display technology and Image Projecting Technology
My response: Image Technology that Fuji and Kodak using are signals receiving related, it doesn't matter if signals are received from a camera glass need to be accurately recorded on a film or image records from a film need to be truthfully displayed on a print. I think Fuji and Kodak have expanded their expertise from Chemical oriented image recording and displaying technology to the electronic and computer-oriented image recording and displaying technology.

The Image technology that Kodak and Fuji have used is different with the imaging technology used in the Television industry. The television technology is similar to the camera's glass technology in comparison with Kodak and Fuji's technology.

The Television technology is similar to a projector technology that is centered on how to accurately projecting electron beam translations of received wireless TV program signals to the display devices. The Television image technology's excellence is measured by the projecting images' color resolution, projecting images' sharpness' definition, and projecting images' displayable screen size.

----March 14th, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

03-13-2018 About Managing or Governing (有关管理或者治理 )

03-13-2018 About Managing or Governing (有关管理或者治理 )

Heard this morning's talk about if I am the heir of my ancient Emperor grandfather.(中文附后)
My response: I am truly the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong (唐太宗李世民) by blood and family inheriting rule. I did inherit trusts that set up for me with titles and wealth.

Confusion of Charity and Providing

Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?

Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?

----March 13, 2018

Heard a lot of saying if I know anything about managing.
My response: Well, certainly I do. I learned managerial skills through my work experiences of being an employee and being an independent researcher.

In China, we have a saying that you need to know how to be beaten up before you learn how to beat in Kongfu.

This saying never means that a Kongfu beginner deserves to be beaten up but to say that learn to protect oneself and learn to defend oneself is the beginner's class for kungfu or marshall arts.

It is the same about knowledge on managing or governing.

If a shool-graduated person is never employed as an employee that has been managed, this person may never know there are so many issues in any business or non-business operation that need some managerial skills to identify, to sooth and to resolve.

If an employee has not changed any employer in this employee's work experiences, this employee may never know there are so many different styles of managerial skills or what is effectively managing that is welcomed by those being managed.

If this school-graduated but never employed person think this person self can manage without being managed experience, well, this person may never know what is effective managerial skills or even lawful managerial skills.

If an employee who does not know how to learn managerial skills from being managed experiences, the promotion of this employee who has rich being managed experience won't benefit the business as well as the employees of the business.

There are a lot of issues between me and some of the 1989 group abroad related to this. I say they do not have the work or social experiences to be the real 1989 group and they feel their proved managing talents have been ignored.

----March 13th, 2018


















Sunday, March 11, 2018

03-11-2018 Confusion of Charity and Providing (慈善和供养的混淆)

03-11-2018 Confusion of Charity and Providing (慈善和供养的混淆)

Heard confusion about how I could possibly entrust my parents on July 1st of 2004.(中文附后)
My response: I entrusted caring for my parents to be provided on my behave since July 1st of 2004.

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about "as long as my name not in each business' capital account, I can not say I have money".
My response: This is possibly a criminal effort of blocking me to spend my own money but attempts to transfer my own lawful money for illegal usage.

This saying is equally saying that if I have used a pseudo name(a company name) to open a bank account(capital account), even with bank employees testifying that is lawfully my bank account by internal instructions as well as by supporting legal documentation, as long as my name(Min Fang) is not printed or stamped on each single paper dollar bill that has been saved in that bank account, I should not be allowed to spend any money that is saved in that bank account.

Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about deserved providing as charity.
My response: Charity means to help to survive, charity never meant to privilege free and easy luxury living.

If you listen to what has been demanded in this morning's talk, you would recognize that is not from any sort of surviving needs. I refuse any of these demands.

The People's Republic of China also has its own government-run welfare system (民政局) and Non--Government Organization provide charities.

If anyone needs charity to survive, please feel comfortable to go to any charity because that is what charity is about, you will be helped if you are qualified. My trusts have been supporting charities through local investments.

---- March 11th, 2018

If a business is my investment and this business is supporting charity, what that got to do with me?
My response: The charity expense is deducted from a Business' operating expenses.

This means
The government is supporting this business doing charity by freeing tax on this charity expenses.
Investors support this business doing charity by freeing investors' profit-share of this charity expenses.
Business management and employees support this business doing charity by earning this much money to do charity.

If a business is my investment that has supported local charities, it certainly means I have supported local charities from my profit-share that has used as the charity expenses.

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about these from the People's Republic of China are the ones who truly know what is the true meaning of Communism.
My response: I gathered from rumors I heard about the radio program that the Communism in the People's Republic of China means "Sharing one wife to share everyone else's wealth."

I gathered this is absolutely from the Communism concept that everybody should do the best everybody can and everybody deserves to get what everybody needs, and I gathered it  is interpreted as what all this person can do is to have sexual intercourses and this person indeed works very hard on it daily if not hourly, isn't this person deserves to get what this person truly needs which is an easy luxury life that should be provided by everybody else?

I came from the People's Republic of China, I am a U.S. citizen now and I was never a Communist party member, but I have my different understanding I learned through my growing up years in the People's Republic of China about what motivated Chinese Communist party to be such an overwhelmingly popular party ever since it was established in 1921: To serve the people, to create a better life through hard working with protected fair pay ensured by the government.

I refuse to be a provider of this "communism-style" providing on whoever's sexual intercourses work-experiences.

----March 11th, 2018









如果有人需要慈善帮助生存所需,请直接向当地的慈善机构提出申请,没有什么不好意思的,慈善的目的就是帮助解决生存所需的一些问题, 只要符合条件,你是会得到你所需要的帮助的。我的信托一直都有通过当地的投资支持当地的慈善机构。











Saturday, March 10, 2018

03-10-2018 About my trust my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong (有关我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托)

03-10-2018 A bit more About my trust my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong (有关我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托)

Heard this morning's talk about what my father should do.
My response: Both my younger and I are in our late 40s now. My father has raised me and my younger brother with all he had.

----March 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my grandmother's “fight” with my great grandmother.
My response: I heard that was when my uncle, my father's youngest sibling, was only several years old.  That "fight" was because my grandmother wanted my great-grandmother took my uncle with her(my grandmother's) other children for an outing. My great grandmother just completely ignored the "fact" my uncle was crying hysterically non-stop.

All my grandmother's children are from my great grandmother. All my father's siblings share "the same birth mother, the same birth grandmother".

----March 10th, 2018

A bit more about my trust that my grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong.
My response: I heard it was said on the radio the total that received from my grandfather was "5 Million Chinese Silver Doller". I also heard that "10,000 Chinese Silver dollar in 1949 = ¥10 Million RBM in 2004".

If so, "500,000 Silver Dollar = ¥500 Million RMB".  Compare to the total of "5Million Silver Dollar", the size of the gift "50,000 Silver Dollar" I was willing to give to my father's and my grandfather's siblings is not shabby at all.

No wonder Chinese community abroad who know the price of the Silver Dollar never commented if "¥500 Million RMB" is shabby.

----March 10th, 2018






我的回应:我听说广播上讲的香港一共是收到了我爷爷所托付的五百万(大洋)。我也听说了“1949年时候的1万大洋 = 2004年时候的1千万人民币”。

如果是这样的话,“50万大洋= 5亿人民币”。和我收到的一共就只有5百万大洋相比,我最初愿意给我爷爷及我父亲的兄弟姊妹的·那份“5亿元人民币一家”的礼物规模可是一点都不寒碜。


我爷爷家里1949年解放前后是住在上海愚园路上的连栋6个三层单户的”人民小区“, 就在上海静安寺一个武警中队招待所的对面。当时是和我爷爷的一个朋友两家分租(各三个单户)。我爷爷奶奶和我的叔叔姑姑们一个三层单户,我曾祖母和我的父亲一个三层单户,另一个是杂用。我父亲从出生就一直是和我的曾祖母一起生活的,我父亲的叔叔姑姑未婚前也都很喜欢我的父亲。这是我愿意给我父亲的叔叔姑姑一家一份礼物的原因。



Thursday, March 8, 2018

03-08-2018 Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

03-08-2018 Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?(我私人财产继承怎么成了中国政府的主权问题了?)

Heard this morning's talk about Chinese Premier's Sovereign talk regarding the trust my birth grandfather set up for me in Hong Kong.(中文附后)
My response: Even according to People's Republic of China's laws, the matter is a private wealth inheriting matter, why it becomes such a Chinese Sovereign issue? Is this imply that current administration of Chinese government is the government that "sharing one wife already that so should share everybody's wealth as well"?

I do not have any association including no sexual association with this administration of China's sharing one wife government.
I refuse my lawful private wealth to be "shared".

I make my comment about this administration of the People's Republic of China's government according to their own logic. They swear my name in order to own my lawful private wealth illegally, I shit their names in order to protect my own lawful private wealth.

I am a such famous "fake talented" because my intellectual income deserved to be owned by whoever wants some easy money, I am such a famous unwanted "female" because my providing from my own birth grandfathers' blessing deserved to be understood as "some rich man's donation" that should be owned by whoever has a used female underwear.

I am sick of the shouts "As long as I am the one still in his bed and mother his child(ren), I won't be the one who is afraid".

I have no need to shout now but to make myself clear "as long as I have the same size and same quality level of attorney service as that him, why I need to be afraid? I send you both to the laws."


我的回应: 即使是按照中华人民共和国的法律,我爷爷替我在香港设立的信托也是非常明确的私人财产继承事宜,为什么就变成了这一届中国政府的主权之争?这是在说这一届的中国共产党政府是个“既然已经共了一个妻当然应该共所有人的产”的政府吗?

我1996年离开中国是的中国共产党政府没有共妻,我也没觉着当时的政府想共我的产。 我现在已经是美国公民,我和中国习近平李克强共妻政府的任何官员都没有任何因公因私关系或者性关系。






Wednesday, March 7, 2018

03-07-2018 The trust my grandfather(my father's father) set up for me in Hong Kong -- 我爷爷(我父亲的父亲)替我在香港设立的信托

03-07-2018 The trust my grandfather(my father's father) set up for me in Hong Kong -- 我爷爷(我父亲的父亲)替我在香港设立的信托

Heard this morning's talk about the trust that my grandfather (my father's father 方智仁)set up for me.
My response: I heard the trust was set up in Hong Kong before 1949, It should be set up and have been investing according to British Laws.
----March 7th, 2018




Tuesday, March 6, 2018

03-06-2018 Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?(不是同一个帐本以及谁会用本名来作为投资账户的名字来到处投资啊?)

03-06-2018 Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?(不是同一个帐本以及谁会用本名来作为投资账户的名字来到处投资啊?)

Heard this morning's an adult R's birth father's(Mr. R Sr) announcement that I was never an R's woman. (中文附后)
My response: True Statement.

Two different Accounts
My response: I got into the fight with O'Connors about who owns that American Fund. If my providing has not been taken by some O'Connors as rumored, I have no reason to get into this fight. The rumored providing paid for my living cost in 2016 was paid expense from its British parent fund's (owner's) equity account as instructed by its British parent fund. Theirs is from local American Fund's operating expense.
----February 8th, 2018

This American Fund's British Parent Fund is owned by the same French Fund that owns the British East India Company Financier.
----February 11th, 2018

This above accounts issue is also the issue between some Pejoves names in the U.S with me by rumor. In the U.S, my providing and theirs providing both deducted from local American Fund's parent British Fund's capital account. But in Britain, my providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund so that my providing is deducted from the British Fund's parent French Fund's Capital Account, and theirs is deducted from the local British Fund's operating expense accounts.

Conclusion: Their providing is paid by the British Fund, My providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund. Nothing to do with each other.

Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018

Albert Gore has nothing to do with me for him to say anything on my any matter. And I refuse to let Albert Gore have any saying over my any matter. Please contact 911 police if he insists on you to listen to his saying about my matter which certainly would put you into legal troubles, or call his psychiatrist daughter or any psychiatrist about his severe illusion that he can have any saying over my any matter. He is probably having some sever psychiatry medical situation called Delusional disorder if he indeed just won't stop insisting on having saying over not-his-to-say my any matter, please call 911 or the psychiatrist daughter who will certainly help Albert Gore. 

----February 1st, 2018

Rumored the reason I should not be acknowledged as the Creator of Beijing Olympic Opening is that if FBI did not record, then my creative ideas won't be produced.
My response: This is a true statement that obviously and definitely would results in Beijing Olympic Game opening would never be presented as it was.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening is what it was is because that is produced by my creative ideas. The creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening is Min Fang is a matter of fact that no decent lawful person can deny, not to mention those claimed talented enough to lead a Nation. The opportunity to lead a Nation to serve the people is not the same meaning of being the driving force to violate laws to rob the people. I am an individual and this is my individual case but I won't be the only individual as part of the people's definition that being robbed if government official position means the power to perform the robbery to the people.

-----February 10th, 2018








