
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

03-27-2019 My parents have been provided by my Chinese ancient paternal grandparents' blessing handsomely(我父母的费用是一直由我父系的华人祖爷爷们的祝福所支付的)

The ownership of a land-lot is strictly regulated by property laws, the same as a commercial company's ownership. The Trust Registration Laws forbid taking over Trust's Wealth via updating Trust registration record. I have heard the confusion about the ownership of the land-lot and if I argued as such is too much, I say, being the sole beneficiary person "female palm" to Trusts that have been set up by some of my ancient birth grandfathers, I did argue as such to respond to some harassment.
---- March 28th, 2019

The money ownership confusion is not about if a wife deserves to be provided for by the husband's money, but if that money is never lawfully owned by the husband nor by the husband's biological relative families. (这些钱财所有权的争执并不是在争执谁才是合法妻子以及做妻子的是否理应由丈夫支付生活费用,而是在说,这钱那钱很可能根本从来就不是该丈夫的钱也根本从来就不是该丈夫血缘亲属关系的家族财产。)----Originally published on March 26th, 2019

For the purpose of clarification:
The money ownership confusion is not about if a wife deserves to be provided for by the husband's money, but if that money is lawfully owned by the husband. (这些钱财所有权的争执并不是在争执谁才是合法妻子以及做妻子的是否理应由丈夫支付生活费用,而是在说,这钱那钱根本就不是该丈夫的钱。)----Originally published on March 26th, 2019

How to verify such a company's registration certificate that your friend is having? 
  1. The registration date which is to verify the company was established around the year of 1600AD. Both the Ford name's and the Rockefeller name's wealth started investing in North America since the year of 1700AD, which was about one hundred years later.
  2. The issuing date which means when this certificate was renewed (suppose to be yearly),   
  3. The current asset size at the time this registration was renewed to check if my announced providing size ($400 Million) is possibly from this company. (Rumored payments to Boston of Massachusetts are smaller amounts but can be checked similar to this)
  4. The registration certificate's title sequential number and certificate's issuing government agency, this is for the purpose if need to contact the issuing agency (with the sequential number) to check out information about the owner(s) of this company and each owner's share of ownership.
----originally published on March 16th, 2019

----March 27th, 2019




My parents have been provided by my Chinese ancient paternal grandparents' blessing handsomely(我父母的费用是一直由我父系的华人祖爷爷们的祝福所支付的)

Heard about five related names married to five "the same high school".
I heard all from the same junior high school: Nanjing Fourth Middle School (都是南京第四中学的初高中毕业). I heard these five names' marriages are the sworn protection to prevent me to sneak into "children's life", so, I have to declare I (Min Fang) refuse to gift blessing such marriage(s), permanently for the past, permanently for the present, and permanently for the future.

I heard these five marriages are also the reasons for a lot of negativeness about my parents' wish to be with me in the United States, so I (Min Fang) have to declare that my own biological lawful Chinese parents have been provided, $400Million a year each on healthcare, by my own biological lawful Chinese ancient paternal grandparents' blessing.

Since 2004, the above response has been the style for all similar financial concern related arguments, one more example:
Argument: The apartments were donated by the name,
Response: But the land-lot is owned by Chinese ancient grandpa's blessing.

For the purpose of clarification:
The money ownership confusion is not about if a wife deserves to be provided for by the husband's money, but if that money is lawfully owned by the husband. (这些钱财所有权的争执并不是在争执谁才是合法妻子以及做妻子的是否理应由丈夫支付生活费用,而是在说,这钱那钱根本就不是该丈夫的钱。)----Originally published on March 26th, 2019

How to verify such a company's registration certificate that your friend is having? 
  1. The registration date which is to verify the company was established around the year of 1600AD. Both the Ford name's and the Rockefeller name's wealth started investing in North America since the year of 1700AD, which was about one hundred years later.
  2. The issuing date which means when this certificate was renewed (suppose to be yearly),   
  3. The current asset size at the time this registration was renewed to check if my announced providing size ($400 Million) is possibly from this company. (Rumored payments to Boston of Massachusetts are smaller amounts but can be checked similar to this)
  4. The registration certificate's title sequential number and certificate's issuing government agency, this is for the purpose if need to contact the issuing agency (with the sequential number) to check out information about the owner(s) of this company and each owner's share of ownership.
----originally published on March 16th, 2019

----March 27th, 2019