
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

03-06-2019 Three cousins Mr. Lu-s and their three Miss Yu wives (三个台湾人卢先生和他们的三个于小姐妻子)

I heard there is an attorney Mr. Peru Lu, a cousin to the famous Mr. Christopher Lu, is the featured person in the new rumors who can decide how to distribute my intellectual incomes without legal authorization but his own personal thoughts.

I heard his personal thoughts include:
1: Intellectual Incomes are supposedly based upon the evaluations happened in the past, not by my demand. But if the company insist on granting me, he thinks he can grant some amount given-out as well.
My answer: Mr. Lu is not part of the rumored investigation efforts to say that I was not granted intellectual reward by fair evaluation, and what I have been demanding are the intellectual incomes from the past evaluations. I disagree Mr. Lu has the privilege to change any money's lawful ownership by his personal opinions, unless that is lawfully his own money.

2: I don't have any valid inheriting, so he thinks it is absurd for me to demand to provide payment.
My answer: I have valid inheriting experience but what I have inherited have been what I heard of, I can't receive pre-decided living expenses providing from my inherited Trusts have been the reason I contact law enforcement, and I heard all pre-decided payments have been paid out on time as scheduled. I disagree these Mr. Lu-s don't believe if I have factually lawfully valid inheriting can be any excuse for them to encourage spreading hate expression among the Chinese communities to against me being a female living alone, nor to against if I can be capable to have any intellectual contributions that have earned intellectual incomes.

Plus, I heard both Mr. Peru Lu and one of his two cousins have been married to a Shanghai native Miss Yu. And I heard, Mr. Peru Lu's wife is a sister to a wife of an investor to Boston's Chinese Supermarket chain.

----March 6th, 2019