
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, February 28, 2019

02-28-2019 How could I possibly contribute to Viagra's lab-testing?

Heard about doubts how could I possibly contribute to lab testing? The doubts obviously from the fact I have very bony lousy hands which means no good at all in lab testing.

I heard this doubt is related to some Viagra related lab testing. Well, I have to say the lab testing can occur into my mind may purely because the basic "if... else..." training as a computer programmer. I don't remember if I did contribute but I can try to illustrate if I can.

Since I was mentioning about my understanding of human reproductive function on a June Sunday in 2004, well, of course, "if that thought can be helpful, what else need to be in consideration to ensure this 'application' to be fully successful?" is a computer programmer's thinking-route.

So, as an FDA-equivalent institute's former apprentice member of Health Department organized pharmaceutical industry's yearly Inspection group, and in a coercive tone that I learned from those health department's Inspectors, the thoughts might have been "you are saying this can improve male-sexuality? how effective can you define this improvement? and how stable this effectiveness can be? Is it still 'no one knows if it is the beauty or the wine' effective? And what will be the effectiveness comparison objectives? I need all these."

So, it would be how to define the effectiveness of this improvement, how to define stability (or effective scope), and what should be the test objectives are what I might have been contributed to lab testing.

----Feb, 28th, 2019

I heard I had been a quick learner of the coercive leader style who having this authoritative deep in-tone but easy apprentice appearance in pharmaceutical industry Inspecting related work experience, may be the reason I was criticized heavily by the former colleagues if I can be a person having any academic achievement even after I changed my profession to technology. I heard pharmaceutical industry personnel can easily relate me as one of the health department's Inspectors, but relate some former colleagues, if on Inspecting assignments, to own quality in-house assurance departments.

Also, I got the following test score from my MBA graduating critical thinking test, it seems I need to have the law education to improve, such an LSAT baseline score.

----Feb, 28th, 2019