
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, March 25, 2019

03-25-2019 If "prevention strategy" can prevent Mr. Peru Lu's money-desperation effectively? 以及·“1541年,一艘船的故事”

Heard some talks about "If it is this person's money...", it is rumored a Mr. Peru Lu from the U.S. Justice Departement can grant such money.

I don't know if this is a true rumor and I don't know who is this Mr. Peru Lu other than he has been featured in some negative similar rumors. For the same reason as rumored famously effective "prevention strategy" from this Mr. Peru Lu, which means in case this Mr. Peru Lu would abuse my lawful income's lawful ownership and my lawful money's lawful spending-ship, I make this following announcement: I, Min Fang, refuse this Mr. Peru Lu's any attempt to grant any of my money.

In case anyone has not heard, this famously effective "prevention strategy" has been on the public media propaganda since 2014 or so, which has been to shit me all over and to trash my all over for over 4-5 years which was after I called law enforcement's help, in order to prevent me from attempting to stuck-on any rich or not-rich males, nor to be a career successful female professional. It is rumored all advised and forcefully pushed through by this Mr. Lu's associated. Now, after this 4-5 years shits-throwing, this Mr, Lu's associated must have felt so victory of "already can take-over the money to grant"? Is this any agasp "really"? possibly shocking "really"? My reaction to this is "I have been so, and so, and SO disgusted by this pig-born type money-desperation, so, I refuse any such attempt." Well, as long as this is for the realistic prevention purpose, it should be nothing wrong for me to make this paragraph and this article as it is. I have complained to the U.S. laws about possible sexual harassment and hate crime that conducted via the public media.

This prevention purpose is for the reason that it is rumored this "grant-money" started from a joke on July 1st of 2004 when everyone "doubts" whose money I was spending, I was asked how to split my wealth between my possible biological birth children. I was asked if I would be willing to give some money to the biological birth child(ren) from rumored possibly "willing Ford-father" and "willing Petraeus-father, I said of course if they ask. The "willing Ford-father" asked immediately, and the "willing Petraeus-father" said he would ask if he needs to. So, according to rumors, this "willing Petraeus-father" had answered someone a favor to link-pass this request has been the reason that I have been constantly requested for money, which I have refused all. Why shouldn't I? Of course, I should refuse. I have refused all, and I will refuse all in the future.

----March 25th, 2019

Following is the version of rumored ”1541's or 1547's ship or shipment“ story that I heard of. (据说下面故事不是上海于姓的而是上海育姓的。据说他们要求目前我所宣布的由五家美国公司指示支付的一年4亿我的生活费用给付,其中三年的给付必须因为这艘船的故事而归这个于(育)家所有。简直某明奇妙。上篇中的Mr. Peru Lu是相关的一个于(育)小姐的丈夫。)

---March 25th, 2019


“1541年,一艘船的故事” (”1541's ship or shipment“)




听说,1541年的时候,一张单人单程船票去欧洲是一万两银子,历时需一年,那船是货船,货运规模是可装一千石粮食的重量,一石的运费是一千两银子到欧洲,所以,那艘船的一趟运费是1000 石*1000 两银子每石= 一百万两银子。

