
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

02-27-2018 Why everyone so deserve to get my money as if owe -- 老爸爸,请去美领馆证实妈妈是或否已在美国并和我取得联系

02-27-2018 Why everyone so deserves to get my money as if owe? -- 老爸爸,请去美领馆证实妈妈是或否已在美国并和我取得联系

Heard about this morning's talk about the U.S. Consulates‘ help on searching my missing father.
My response: I truly and truly appreciate and in desperate need of this help.


----February 27th, 2018




Why there is so much hostility about my inheriting?
My response: I have asked this question for a long time and I can provide a little what I have realized.

On the day I entrusted I just inherited wealth (July 1st of 2004), I got a very friendly hello from a lady attorney that triggered the huge anger that had accumulated in me since my inheriting.

I was once contacted by this lady attorney in 1999 or early 2000 that if I need sponsorship of my green card. I did not know who she is was the reason I "rejected offer" by saying the company I was working for would sponsor me.

When I heard that hello from this lady attorney, I was remembering all the tears I shed for that "office romance" and I had this grudge of "where was she when I was crying?", so I refused to hear anything but determined to change attorney who had "neglected" me. Here, I am sincerely apologizing to that lady attorney again.

I did not know she was not the attorney representing my trust or me, and she possibly did not know why I should not blame her for my tears as well were the reasons she "decided" to quit her job. It caused a lot of controversy and confusion in the Fund later that how I could possibly have replaced her.

There was something more because of this changing attorney. Somehow, Albert Gore got this impression that I asked his father's attorney firm to be the attorney for the job that lady had quitted should mean that I was willing to give him that Fund. I heard later the attorney fee was $100 Million a year or so, how my offering of two attorney positions could possibly mean that I was giving out a Fund that is $200 Billion size in 2004? It was clarified in front of everyone that was a participant in that chat at that moment already that I was only offering an attorney position to Albert Gore's father's law firm when Albert Gore kept asking confirmation of giving. But somehow since then, Albert Gore has this determination to take over my money as if I owe him.

----February 27th, 2018