
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, February 23, 2018

02-23-2018 Why I say "According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting."?

02-23-2018 Why I say "According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting."?

Why I say "According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting."?(中文附后)
My explanation:
The entrusting person(my grandfather) of the trust specified the sole qualified beneficiary person of his entrusted wealth is the entrusting person's (my grandfather) biological grandaughter who has family inheriting birthmark and born from a grandson of the family inheriting birthmark line with the identical family inheriting birthmark.

This means that according to entrusting and inheriting related laws:
1: If you are not a female, you are not eligible to challenge the inheriting of the trust.
2: Further, if you have no factual evidence of the biological grandfather-granddaughter relationship with the entrusting person(my grandfather), you are not eligible to challenge the inheriting of the trust.
3: Further, if you are not the biological daughter of entrusting person's family inheriting birthmark line's grandson Fang, Wenhai(方文海), you are not eligible to challenge the inheriting of the trust.
4: Further, if you are not the biological daughter of Fang, Wenhai who has the identical family inheriting birthmark as Fang, Wenhai's, you are not eligible to challenge the inheriting of the trust.

I am my father Fang, Wenhai's one and only biological daughter,
My father Fang, Wenhai is the grandson of the entrusting person's family inheriting birthmark line with factual evidence as part of the entrusting document in entrusting records.
I have identical family inheriting birthmark as my father Fang, Wenhai's that has been verified when I was born.


1: According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting.

2: A very simple inheriting case, indeed.

----February 23rd, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about why a rich person would need to get cash from an investment.
My response:

I was once in an emergency similar situation when I was locked out of my newly moved-in apartment. I did not even have a penny or a photo ID with me, and the neighbor I asked for help doubted if I was the resident of the apartment I asked his help to open.

I heard it is a common understanding that it would be understood as impersonating with a forged ID if a rich person goes into a small investment(a coffee shop) to borrow a $20 bill in an emergency situation.

I say I would go ask where I can find a police officer because that is an emergency I am possibly in and I am in need of some help, either help of making a phone call on my behave to ask some cash to be sent over, or to help me more on my possible situation, a police officer is the most appropriate person to help me out in this kind situation.

----February 23rd, 2018

Some said if a cousin of mine can make such a phone call to me to demand cash to be sent over if in an emergency?
My response: First of all, none of my cousins share my inherited wealth. I am the sole beneficiary person of all those trusts I inherited. Those trusts I inherited were specially set up for me by my birth grandfathers before I was born. All my birth grandfathers had passed away before I was born. Mine inheriting in 2004 was not associated with any family senior's death. My inheriting was not family wealth inheriting but trusts inheriting.

Second, I do not know who this cousin can call to make such a request, and I am certainly won't answer this kind of calls from everyone of all my cousins. In China or in America, it would be the same person or same group of persons that this cousin can call to make the same or similar request.

----February 23rd, 2018




