
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, February 25, 2018

02-25-2018 About Zhu's Family's Wealth & Heir and My Own Wealth & Fertility.

02-25-2018 About Zhu's Family's Heir and My Own Fertility.

Heard this morning's talk about Ling, Jihua's son(令计划的儿子).
My response: I heard there was a car accident as widely rumored abroad, but the victims of that car accident were all actress or actor from the entertainment industry, not from political related. This car accident has nothing to do with me.

Ling, Jihua is not the crown prince of the ancient Zhu's family from Chinese Ming dynasty. His last name was changed from Zhu when his family line is out of 5-cousin with Crown Prince.

I had some hostile conversation about this Chinese Zhu's family because I took them as a bad gang like family. I was corrected and I have no hostility at all against the crown prince of the Chinese Zhu's family.

06-13-2017 (3) 澄清有关令计划的传言

----February 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about the real heir of the same Chinese Zhu's family.
My response: I heard that "that was the rumor not corrected yet" was said by Fang, Zhiqiang(方志强), the once featured possible heir of the Zhu's family.  He has the same last name with me, but no blood association.

I heard the reason China is promoting this "son's line " is that this person is willing to take over my wealth.

I heard the Zhu's Crown Prince, last named Chen, has Zhu's family wealth as his inheritable (*it is his mother's wealth currently), but the "son's line" does not have any inherited wealth. According to rumored stories I heard, the "son's line" is from the youngest child(son) when Chinese Zhu's family's inheriting rule changed to firstborn instead of the firstborn son which certainly made this "son's line" a denounced one. I heard the youngest child(son) and his mother only got coverage of living cost but not the family wealth at the time when the father passed away.

I heard a lot of rumors how the "son's line" is determined to take over my wealth. I have to declare if he relies on his ancient family to violate laws, I also have my own ancient family to protect me by laws. I heard Chinese Zhu's family has a lot of people live abroad now, they can verify all these rumors I heard of to know who is the real heir of their own ancient Chinese Zhu's family.

*I also heard rumors that they were informed of having their inherited wealth in 2006 which was not at the time when the family senior (grandparent) passed away, and their inherited wealth is not some sort of trust. And I heard they have no access to spend that informed inherited wealth. I did not hear who informed them.

----February 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Chinese "Stamped heir" participated in the same meeting on June 30th of 2004.
My response: I have no idea if he was in any of June 30th of 2004's meetings or which attorney/accountant group & wealth he was having the meeting with. My inheriting on June 30th of 2004 and my inherited wealth has nothing to do with this person's participating in any meeting on June 30th of 2004.

I was having my inheriting meeting with attorneys representing trusts that my biological grandfathers set up especially for me as the family heir birthmark-heir daughter of my biological father Fang, Wenhai(方文海) who is the family heir-birthmark heir from the family heir birthmark line.  I was informed to attend my inheriting meeting by the attorneys representing those trusts that my biological grandfathers set up for me.  *I was informed by my green card application attorney who was my representing attorney that was informed to have the inheriting meeting by a female case-attorney on inheriting meeting matter representing those attorneys representing trusts that my biological grandfathers set up for me.

I did hear he was informed by a Chinese Foreign Department diplomat. I do not know if he shares any grandfather with me biologically. By DNA test, he has only about 70% chance to share a grandfather. By DNA science, the DNA test result will be similar even if he shares a grandfather with me biologically which means it is not identifiable if he shares any grandfather with me biologically.

02-23-2018 Why I say "According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting."?

----February 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my childbirth.
My response: Other than malicious cursing to express hate, it means nothing at all.

I already inherited all the trusts that set up for me and I reject any donation of all kinds of pig-borne in human format but just a true moron in any format.

*pig-born in human format but just a true moron is the term I use to address those who born from a known-birth-womb but don't know who the mother should be since that birth-womb is a creature pig's womb, must have been.

---February 25th, 2018

This morning's talk may be sparked by a conversation in glass house cancer.
My response: It was in 2008-2009 when I still lived in Somerville, MA.

I woke up from my dream during a still-on conversation. What I remembered was there were some male asking for the confirmation if the request to have Ovariectomy(卵巢切除) could be sincere, and a female's voice continuing to give the answer "yes, because of the concern for ovarian cancer."

I do not know who that female was but the voice was from my throat area. I kept quiet about it since cancer talk did sound concerning. But I was never asked legally valid if I intend to do any ovarian surgery, and there was never such a surgery ever performed in-hospital or remotely.(从未做过在医院或者远程的卵巢(切除)手术)

And I say to anyone who is so confident to harm me remotely through technology, that this threat won't worth my concern but will be that person's own price to pay permanently on that person self as well as all of that person's own next generation via the exact same remote method.

----February 25th, 2018

02-18-2018 All About Fertility Related (都是有关生小孩的)

02-06-2018 为什么说我是的钱以及我能做的一些解释

Heard "Next Kin" inheriting law is the reason for current radio program's producing effort.
My response:

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth to go to (or owned by) any next kin of mine.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth go to (or owned by) anyone who has publicly and/or privately announced deservedness or intends to announce deservedness publicly and/or privately.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth go to (or owned by) anyone who has publicly and/or privately announced the willingness(desire) to own or intends to announce the willingness(desire) to own publicly and/or privately.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth to go to (or owned by) anyone who has committed/participated or intend to commit/participate murder and/ or hate-crime that intended(intend) to make me a victim of.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth to become No-Owner wealth through intentionally spread hate crime that targets me in order to make my lawful wealth a no-owner wealth.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth to go to any charity without my clear instruction.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my lawful wealth to be owned by any organization or any charity as well as any government.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any of my privately owned lawful wealth to become any format of public wealth through any criminal effort.

I, Min Fang, refuse to consider to let any of my privately solely owned lawful wealth to be owned by any other patron(s) and/or any organization and/or any government and/or generic(specific) public in any format.

(*The pressure of writing this to save my own life was the reason I started to send letters to FBI in January of 2015).

----published on February 1st, 2018