
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, February 18, 2018

02-18-2018 All About Fertility Related (都是有关生小孩的)

02-18-2018 All About Fertility Related (都是有关生小孩的)

Heard this morning's talk about "why do you need to have your own biological child".(中文附后)
My response: I heard it was a first cousin from my father side who possibly expecting to be a "Next Kin". I already refused to let my wealth to be owned by any next kin of mine.

I repeat what I said in the morning for whoever has this understanding even if this is indeed from a cousin: "I can watch your biological child or biological children get burned to death without my eyes blinking because I do have my own biological children already. It is from the same understanding that I don't think you need to have your own biological child at all."

----February 18th, 2018

Heard this morning's confusion expressed "Who is going to father your biological child since all those old have already publicly denounced you?"
My response: I can choose the excellent handsome juicy young man from those who expect to share easy luxury life with me happily.  I got very handsome blessing from my own birth grandfathers and a fertility-specific blessing from a birth grandmother of mine. I am happy and I don't mind to share a happy luxury life with a great young man even if that means much younger man.

I can totally envision my young and handsome with all our children cheering our securities marching in my own designed uniforms from our private balcony. Well, I do have tons of Imperial titles from my own birth Imperial grandfathers that I inherited together with the financial blessing.

I am a female but I am an heiress of a long history polygamist family, it has been 2000 years long to be specific. I am not the person can be so easily freaked out to be so readily miserable by this kind of shitty talks.

----February 18th, 2018

Heard the reason that my reward from Viagra(Blue) was taken is "Fertility Goddess worship" rumors.
My response: I refuse to let my contribution to Viagra (Blue) to be taken by anyone for any reason.

I heard of this Fertility Goddess rumor today and I have to say I do not know if this is part of so many build-up a case efforts to take my intellectual income because the argument of the true deservedness of taking my share of viagra (blue) invention reward is that it should be deserved by a viagra(blue) beneficiary person who can use viagra to perform sexual intercourse.

I do my clarification here: I contributed to help females' infertile issues with pregnancy-mother is a true statement. It was inspired by my own efforts to help myself to have my own biological children through pregnancy mothers. This inspiration was promoted by so many people who truly wish infertile women can be mothers of their own biological children. And this inspiration was based on already existing matured medical technology of tube baby - IVF(In vitro fertilization).

*I heard oral intake Viagra(Blue) can result having at least several valid sperms in each outburst which can be used to produce healthy children through the same IVF technology. I contributed to Viagra(Blue) is a true statement too.

----February 18th, 2018











