Heard this morning's talk about why I should be the sole beneficiary person of my grandfathers' trusts.(中文附后)
My response: I am the person who inherited trusts that my grandfathers set up for me as a sole beneficiary person is according to each one of those entrusting grandfathers' clearly expressed will.
I am the sole owner of my own inherited wealth is according to my own will.
I can inherit all these trusts after all these years is according to laws.
I can keep all these trusts as my own wealth is according to my own wish.
According to laws, no one is eligible to challenge my inheriting.
According to laws, no one can harass me to demand to have a share of my inherited wealth.
I am not willing to be harassed regarding why I am the sole beneficiary person of those trusts I inherited.
----February 22nd, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about China.
My response: Being part of Chinese who already migrated to another country's life, I agree it is important to let 1.3 Billion people in the People's Republic of China hear our doubts, and I think it should be solely 1.3 Billion people in the People's Republic of China's privileges to make any decision regarding what eligible whom to lead the People's Republic of China and to take care of the piece of land we call our root.
----February 22nd, 2018
About the concerns and doubts if I can have the health to enjoy my inherited wealth.
The rumored dynamic infection with food consumption is not concerning. The treatment technology to remove dynamic infection's food-leaking & redirecting mechanism has been available. I have no concern of all these rumors possible impacts to my health.
----February 22nd, 2018
The rumored implanting cancer is not concerning since most of the cancers can be treated or even cured completely nowadays. Rumored cancer implanting is a mechanism to simulate cancer's formation from healthy cells which means it is a very early stage in cancer formation that defects healthy cells. It is well-known that modern cancer diagnosis is the mechanism of recognizing those defected cells. The treatment mechanism, I assume, can be simple as remove those defected cells upon its discovery. This treatment mechanism is already available nowadays.
----February 14th, 2018

*HIV new treatment technology is similar to this.
----published on Nov. 7th, 2017

*HIV new treatment technology is similar to this.
----published on Nov. 7th, 2017