
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

02-14-2018 This morning's Proud of "Well Deserved Giving-only Promised Share Forever Romance"

02-14-2018 This morning's Proud of "Well Deserved Giving-only Promised Share Forever Romance"

Heard this morning's announcement of a Jessica's one female's polygamist family.
My response: The four announced proud sharing males have nothing to do with me is a true statement. Let whoever read this blog to decide if I am writing out of jealous.

I heard this morning's proud announcement of 4 brothers sharing a one-and-only child each from one Jessica. This Jessica, I accused, is the hater you heard on the radio that fully supported by this males group to throw all those shits towards me.

I heard the announced four males are not really brothers but cousins by blood. Their willingness to be a group to center the Jessica to have this polygamist family is indeed very impressive.

Compared to the four prominent named males, this Jessica is in her late forties who has no advantage in age, no advantage in appearance, no advantage in education, talents or achievement, no advantage in family wealth, no advantage in the family name's prominence and resources.

Very impressively is the rumor that romance is promised forever as long as this Jessica is available to anyone of the four's desire.

Very impressively is the enormous supports publicly presented by the families as well as relatives of those males.

Very impressive is the full-heart willingness that proudly emphasized publicly & privately through all these spoil this Jessica rotten expression.

So, I say
It is not some disgustingness because it is obvious that the wealthy family name's proud is that brothers sharing one woman is not out of poverty,

It is not some sacrificing because it is obvious that none of these four prominent males have done this without their own full heart willingness.

It is not some unfitness because it is obvious that there is nothing to match the males with the female Jessica at all when matchmaking concept needed to be mentioned.

Thus, I conclude
It must be the Gift of Deservedness from whatever creature these four males take as their almighty.

It must be the Fair Evaluation of who those males truly are to have this female Jessica to be what they truly deserve.

It must be the Pure Simplicity of what Jessica vs David is in British-American adult slang.

Being the victim of this polygamist family's public expression of negativeness, I confess
I am truly happy I am truly not what they deserved in romance,

I am truly not willing to be a giving-only in my romance,

I truly not deserve to be such a David to have this Jessica-Davids style of fair evaluation.

I can't afford not to mention that none of these Davids, Jessicas or equivalent has a capital account that is big enough to self-claim a significant investor or an investor at all in the radio company or any of R's investment.

Compare to most of them, at least, I have my capital accounts in my trusts that is in this investing chain to claim myself an investor of the radio company.

If my name is not listed as the capital account's name is the reason I have no saying over this radio program producing, so is everyone of those almighty prominent persons who insist on to shit me on the radio. This is precisely the reason I sent them to courts, criminal or civil..

----February 14th, 2018