老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,或者和美国上海领事馆联系要求美国公民的紧急联络服务(021-8011-2400, 属美国公民服务),我已经和他们都联系过了,美国上海领事馆也已经打电话和我取得联系,他们有我的有效联系方式。(联络信息在01-19-2018的文章里)。你如果智能手机以及可以使用无线上网的电脑(一体机电脑,手提电脑,平板电脑等),可以使用手机上的《移动热点》功能通过电脑的《无线上网》功能上网。紫金山天文台的联络信息:
somebodyinma@gmail.com 和我联系。用手机上的《
02-03-2018 Authorized Providing to me from an Investment would be eventually deducted from my owner's account in my trust which should not be mistaken as a donation. (投资企业经授权所支付给我的费用最终是从我所继承的信托里我自己的东家账户中扣除,这些钱从来不是捐款。)
Heard this morning's talk about a Shanghai Investment.
My response: It is my apology to this Shanghai investment if my father just goes demand money without an authorized attorney's letter.
This Shanghai investment is invested by the Fund that causes O'Connors’ confusion. I heard Shanghai investment's management is aware that the American Investor Fund has a British Parent Fund as well as a French grandparent Fund.
I am the British East India Financier because my trust is the Investor of the British East India Financier Fund. The British East India Financier Fund is the investor of this Shanghai investment's American investor which make my trust an investor of this Shanghai investment.
My owner's accounts are all in the trusts that I inherited, not in this Shanghai Investment, this Shanghai Investment only has its American Investor as its Owner in its accounting book. So, even this Shanghai investment is an investment of my trust, it is not appropriate for my father to ask for providing from this Shanghai investment without appropriate authorization.
It is just like a banker who owns 10 restaurants, it is more appropriate for the banker to ask his manager who works with him to look after all these restaurants if he needs anything from these restaurants because not necessary all restaurants' staff know this banker. I am the same. I am privileged to leave an effective message to my digital recorder to my entrusting attorneys, my father should have the same privilege but the best is to contact me to avoid being neglected feeling.
I am asking my father to be patient, we are improving. It is a common sense that my father won't be in his current situation if I have been good, and we are in our current situation already means my attorneys must have been very busy. And I know, at least, the American law enforcement has been very busy ever since I started to call their help.
If my father has appropriate authorization to be provided for by this Shanghai investment, this Shanghai Investment need to book this providing from its American Investor's Owner's Account which means my father's providing would be deducted from the profit that this Shanghai investment owed to its American Investor's, the American Investor would deduct this providing from the British East India Financier Fund, and go on that eventually my father's providing would be deducted from my owner's account's receivable in my trust. So, if this Shanghai Investment is instructed by its American Investor to provide from my father from American Investor's owner's account, the providing is lawfully provided for my father's exclusive usage because it is eventually my providing for my father. None of this authorized providing should be mistaken for some donations.
I heard my father has an attorney's letter but I do not have any such letter myself, so I am asking my attorneys to check out what is the complaint this Shanghai Investment has filed.
----February 3rd, 2018
Heard what happened on the radio program and related is because it is a CIA project.
My response: No such thing. The rumored U.S. Military CIA personnel is a Miss Pejoves whose last name already means she has huge interest conflicts with me. Her involvement in all kinds of radio program related may have sparked such rumors. I heard U.S. Military has no such CIA project targeted me as rumored, it can be verified if what I heard is true.
Another group people that may spark CIA project rumors is the Chinese 1989 Student movement group. That is obviously impossible anything valid.
I heard the American Pejoves Fund I inherited through inheriting my trust is the investor Fund of Ford's Holding. I have nothing to do with Ford name as Ford house announced.
I heard there are tons of business peoples are so annoyed that I announced this American Pejoves Fund, O'Connors' confusion Fund, both French Funds' American Investments and the Portugal fund's American Investment as $200 Billion each incorrectly which is not encouraging, so I change my announcements now that from this day of February 3rd of 2018, all these funds I inherited that I mistakenly announced $200 Billion each are now officially going up to at least $2000Billion each.
----February 3rd, 2018
Heard this morning's crying talk about where's her grandparent's money.
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning that her grandparents never told me.
Explanation: I heard her grandparents(方智强) died in 1961, I know my grandparents died before and in 1965. I was born in 1967, I never met her grandparents or my grandparents. My father never even heard his own father's secret money hidden place. How could I possibly know where her grandparents hid their money?
Regarding if my attorneys have her grandparents money, I say everyone already knows my attorneys are good enough to inform her if they know her grandparents' money hidden place.
And if I hear any rumor about her grandparents' money, I can tip law enforcement since unlikely unaware where she is can be the reason.
----February 3rd, 2018
Heard some confusion why I make such a big fuss about my father.
My response: My father is alive. He was threatened not to call police as well as not to take his pension. My father was told he won't be tolerated to live if he dares to demand his pension. I heard it was recorded by Sattelite image when he was pushed out from the moving vehicle. The female who threatened him is also a granddaughter of Fang, Zhiqiang(方智强). I am not certain if the name is correct by most likely a cousin to my grandfather 方智仁. My father is not the person knows what she said only means by dictionary definition and never imply anything else. My father did not take his bank card with him when he left his own home. He probably thought how could it possibly mean anything malicious just like what I had been through in 2014 time. In 2015 after I became a sworn U.S. citizen, I was yelled at that I should throw out my no longer in use Chinese passport. I did not listen. I have called U.S. law enforcement's help after I heard this rumor.
----February 3rd, 2018
我的主家资本账户是在我所继承的信托里,不在这家上海企业里, 这家企业账本上只有其上级美国基金投资公司作为主家有主家资本账户。所以尽管这家上海企业是我的信托所投资的,尽管方文海是我父亲,他也不可以在没有授权的情况下直接跑去公司拿钱。
我的回应: 我父亲还活着。我父亲是被恐吓不准报警,不准去拿他的退休金。我父亲还被警告说如果我父亲要是敢去闹着要领退休金,他就没有下一口饭吃。我听说这一切都已被卫星图像记录下来了,就是在我父亲被推出已经开动的汽车摔倒在地那天。那个恐吓我父亲的女的是方智强的另一个孙女。我不清楚名字对不对,但估计是我祖父方智仁的智字辈堂兄弟。我父亲不是听得懂这种按字典定义说话没有任何其他意思的语言的人。我父亲离开家时没有带着他的银行卡。估计我父亲是认为一切出于善意,就因为哪有可能会是恶意啊。我2014年时也是如此。2015年我成为美国公民后,我是被吆喝着一定要我扔了留作纪念用的中国护照,我没理。听到这个传言,我是在美国报的警。如果我父亲现在还是中国公民的话,就必须把户口给恢复了,是必须。