
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, February 3, 2019

02-03-2019 Intellectual Income related explanation

1: Ingonyama title is in the local language, but I came from China?
My response: There are two possibilities for how I got this entitlement officially on June 30th of 2004.
1) I received the original entitlement, given by my ancient Emperor grandfather in Chinese, together with my Trust-Inheriting, Ingonyama its translation in the local language, or
2) this is the entitlement of my ancient grandfather's that I inherited together with the my Trust-Inheriting as the direct-beneficiary-heir of the entitled ancient grandfather of mine.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

2: Even if I was a very good computer programmer who learned macroeconomy, how could I be impressed as good at financial risk management? 
My response: A common practice in computer programming is error & exceptional handling for programming or run-time situations, the better in programming practices, the less chances a software will behave weirdly in the office or home usage, which means less user-panics for "I didn't do anything, it went dark and I can't bring it up" or "I can't find my files anywhere, I was just trying to check some spellings, where is my file folder now?", etc.  All these reasons for possible panic, anxiety, etc. are called financial risks in sciences related to the economy or finance. Of course, it helps a computer programmer to understand risk management if this error &exceptional handling concepts can be borrowed into financial related analyzing, Plus, I was a computer programmer specialized in computer security who was very sensitive about network-hacking.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

3: How can I make so many intellectual incomes by "just a couple of lines" ideas?
My response: Well, it is well-known that nobody believes that I can finish the CDSA-secure data-transfer project and the no-password-login project in less than total 4 years time, and nobody believes I can know so much about computer's operating system to contribute in revolutionary smartphone invention, but I did these two projects, every second and from start to finish, right in the office and in front of everyone in the office, which was verified minute-by-minute during the project-evaluation.

How this related to the question? It means I must have saved a lot of time in wondering for "what's the next hypothesis?" in that research, either because I have been talented on this, or because I may have learned something about it during the research process. And a lot of times, a good hypothesis is the critical reason for a successful project, which may be the reason that those of my "just a couple of lines" ideas have been valuable-ly helpful and appreciate-ly recognized.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

4: A lot asked why the evaluating group can value "less" my intellectual contribution by compensating other research personnel, such as the story of Viagra's clinical research team?
My response:  The evaluation is the combined result of the academic value plus the years of service in the research team. My contribution was evaluated "less" because of the lack of service years in the research team.

Also, my contribution was the budget saving to the lab research and early-starting of the clinical research, so my contribution story has the episode that I was not welcomed by the lab-research team but so welcomed by the clinical research team.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019